A Mon Tiki sailing update
Several of you have written asking about Mon Tiki’s itinerary and are now already familiar with my pithy reply: If you want to use a sailboat as transportation rather than mere recreation, you have to get yourself into a Nineteenth Century frame of mind.
What does that mean?
What that means is you might say something like, “The weather never really cooperated so I spend the winter in Boston instead of London as I had been hoping.”
With that in mind, it looks like there’s a good chance that later this week Mon Tiki will cast of from Diamond Cove Marina for the last time this year and head in a westerly direction.
As of today, it looks like if one were hoping to ride along for the trip from Montauk to New York City one would want to be in Montauk on Wednesday night. Stops at New York Harbor, Barnegat Light and Rockhall are hoped for, but not promised.
All pending further developments in the weather, of course.
If you’re interested I’m sure you’ll figure out how to get in touch. Let’s go sailing! š
But wait, the 19th century is also when they started making those ridiculously fast tea clippers who competed with eachother to be the fastest from Ceylon to Europe….Report
I wish you a fantastic voyage and express my overwhelming envy. I have no problem putting myself in a 19th century frame of mind, but damned if I’m in a position to put my body on a 19th century schedule right now.
It would have been so awesome to take the kids out with you for a few days. An unforgettable experience for them.Report
19th century frame of mind: We find that Dr. Hanley ends up developing a coca chewing habit to deal with his schedule.Report
Would you really be surprised? (And I’m entirely in sympathy with Engels’ criticism of “the despotic bell.”)Report
So long as it breaks your laudanum habit.Report