

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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32 Responses

  1. Will Truman says:

    My patience on the state of the basement is running thin. So I think that’s gonna happen.

    27 days or so without a cigarette. I may have lost count, which would be a good sign.Report

  2. J@m3z Aitch says:

    Hoping this weeken I can finally finish painting the house before the weather turns cold. Last weekend I got sick, the weekend before a combination of a twisted ankle and rain got in the way, and the weekend before I had to work on my mom’s house. So the front wall has been half-painted since early August. I’m getting irritated. Fortunately most of my neighbors are nice and the one nasty one doesn’t talk to me. 😉Report

  3. Chris says:

    Congratulations on the new job, and the Saints Row IV. My son got GTA V as an early birthday present from his mother, so he’s probably going to spend all weekend here wishing he were in front of his X Box (I don’t have a game system — geek card one step closer to being completely gone).

    A GTA story. Many moons ago, sometime around ’04, maybe ’05, I lived in an apartment complex with a guy named Jason who, in addition to being cool as scheiße, also had an X-Box that he let a bunch of the kids in the complex use, hooked up to a giant television with an incredible surround sound system. Jason was maybe 25, unemployed, had bullet scars in his calf and just above his knee from being shot at the funeral of a friend who’d been shot, and was an aspiring rapper who rapped worse than I do, and that’s saying a lot. Like I said, cool as ??????.

    My son, who was 6 or 7 at the time, was one of the kids who’d go over there on weekends and play on the X-Box. At first, he’d play any number of games, but when he discovered GTA: Vice City, that’s all he’d play. My first thought upon learning this was “No way, you cannot play that game. It’s too… mature.” Then I watched him play it. He would get a bus (OK, steal a bus), and then drive the bus around for his entire turn, for an hour or more if there were no other kids around, stopping at all of the red lights and making all of the stops. That’s all he would do, drive the friggin’ bus. If he accidentally got into an accident or ran a red light he’d get upset, because it would mean that he’d get a star and any nearby police would come after him, and that would interrupt his bus route. Jason and I thought this was hilarious, and would sit and watch him do it while listening to music (not his music, thankfully).

    Anyway, this weekend I’ve got more editing to do, so I will be doing that. And if it’s not raining on Saturday (it’s been a while since I’ve had to say that!), we may go for a walk in the woods, or a hike as the city folk say.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Chris says:

      Yeah, that’s pretty much what GTA eventually descends into. “I’ve found a taxicab and am doing a good job, pulling in about $400 bucks a day. I have a girlfriend and we go on short dates. My apartment complex is nice enough, I guess. Now I just need to find a nice synagogue.”

      Well, that and driving around In Real Life and finding yourself thinking “that car is better than mine…”Report

      • Maribou in reply to Jaybird says:

        Chris, I loved that story :D.

        GTA 3 taught me how to drive multi-lane streets.

        Seriously. Until I moved to the Springs I’d only ever driven 1-2 lanes in each direction (I never drove in Montreal and I grew up in the middle of nowhere) and driving the interstate terrified me when I moved here. TERRIFIED. (It also didn’t help that we had accidentally moved into a complex that had drive-bys.)

        After a couple-month obsession with GTA 3, I found myself having the opposite problem. “So what if I’m in a Saturn and that guy’s in a Hummer?? I don’t CARE if my car gets dinged up.” *cuts into a space in the next lane 3 inches longer than her car*

        I behave quite well on the road these days, but my internal monologues haven’t changed much.Report

      • Chris in reply to Jaybird says:

        Maribou, did it also teach you how to get a car? 😉Report

      • Glyph in reply to Jaybird says:

        “So what if I’m in a Saturn and that guy’s in a Hummer?? I don’t CARE if my car gets dinged up.” *cuts into a space in the next lane 3 inches longer than her car*

        I had a friend who made his lane changes using this exact same theory – around nice cars: get as close as you want, they’ll avoid YOU to keep their car nice.

        Around crappy cars: keep your distance from them, they do not care if they hit you, what’s one more dent?Report

      • NewDealer in reply to Jaybird says:

        I will look at a really nice car if I see it driving down the road or parked.

        I never understood the guys who say things like “that’s my car” when they see a Ferrari on the street. It seems this happens everytime I see a super-luxe car on the street. Some dude will be on the phone or chatting with friends and change the topic to say something like “I just walked by my next car…”

        I always want to say something like “Probably not…”Report

    • NewDealer in reply to Chris says:

      I think your son is missing the point of GTA. Final Fantasy and other be a good guy role-playing games might be more his speed.Report

  4. NewDealer says:

    I’m still waiting for Dogfish Head Punkin Ale to be found in stores.Report

  5. Angela says:

    I just finished reading “Killer Angels” by Michael Shaara, as preparation for seeing Lifeline Theater’s production of it on Saturday. My daughter visited Gettysburg this summer with a high school friend.
    As I’ve gotten older, the war stories seem to be more and more pointless and tragic. The unceasing carnage through history is devastating.
    So, for now, I’m actually happy with the idiocy in Washington; at least they’re not shooting each other.
    (And, of course, this summer in Chicago, there’s been too much shooting and random death too.)Report

  6. Burt Likko says:

    I’ve a summary judgment motion to write. Two, actually.

    I’m maybe not having quite as much fun as the rest of you.Report

    • Maribou in reply to Burt Likko says:

      Dude, my plans for the weekend involve writing a paper in APA style about the levels of collaboration (theoretical vs. actual) between K-12 special education teachers and library media specialists.

      At least we can drink beer?Report

  7. Mike Dwyer says:

    Taking my nephew squirrel hunting Saturday morning. Weather should be perfect (fingers crossed).

    UFC on Saturday night.

    I owe the dogs a long walk in the park at some point this weekend.

    Last chance to clean out the DVR before all my shows start new seasons next week.Report

  8. Chris says:

    Oh, this seems like as good a place as any to put this. I know some folks enjoyed the True Facts About the Tarsier video. In case you haven’t seen it, here’s another good one (it’s no tarsier, but that was a masterpiece):


    “You can imagine all grub scary stories begin with, ‘There was a knock at the door…'”Report

  9. Maribou says:

    I am Writing A Paper that I should’ve started writing last weekend. At least all my preliminary research is done. And I will no doubt be working on learning Python because that’s my other class (self-directed tech learning) and it’s way more interesting than writing a paper so I tend to drift into doing that instead… (“Look, honey! I made a very stupid program that does something stupid! but IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!”)

    And sleeping.

    And trying to do some fun reading because I’ve been working > 50 hours a week most weeks and I miss proper reading time.

    And I NEED to get a long walk in, see above.

    Also, apparently I am a clever wife and bought my husband an excellent early birthday present. Who knew!?!?Report

  10. Damon says:

    Sailing the bay,
    Beer festival,

    hot date sundayReport

  11. Reformed Republican says:

    Tonight my son and I go to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando. Hopefully it will be enjoyable and not a crowded mess. I bought the line skipping pass, so that should help.

    Tomorrow I am going to hang out with a couple who are good friends of mine, and who I do not see nearly as much as I should. I decided we need to get together since things are likely to get chaotic soon, and I wanted to be sure to see them before I move to Texas in January (which is almost definite at this point).

    No plans for Sunday.Report

  12. Fish says:

    This is my first weekend on call. I am slightly terrified.Report

  13. Miss Mary says:

    I am also on vacation. But I am sick :(. Tomorrow I leave to see my new niece. I will be better before that, so as not to give her my germs. After a short visit with her, I’m off to LA for the rest of my vaca.Report