

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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57 Responses

  1. Vikram Bath says:

    Niel Fiore’s The Now Habit. It feels a bit odd to read though since it was written at a time when positive psychology was all the rage. It’s strange to read something again that just takes it as a given that you should will yourself to be optimistic.Report

  2. Glyph says:

    Breaking Bad in 10 minutes.

    Saw The World’s End on Friday. The ending is dragged out a little (and jeebus, theaters’ve doubled previews before a film starts – 20 minutes!) but it maybe was the best of the so-called Cornetto Trilogy. (IMO, Shaun was OK, Hot Fuzz was good, this approached great).

    I’d like to see it again – the way the dialogue is written, some of the jokes are fairly intricate and I am sure I missed a few. It’s very funny, but that’s not all – there were also some beats about male friendship, and getting older, and what that all means (weirdly, it’s almost like Diner or something in this respect) that I would like to revisit. I have a feeling it could be even better the second time around.

    Finished my Peter Watts’Blindsight re-read in record time, then I read Starfish, now the middle of Maelstrom, and maybe a third of the way into PKD’s The Man In The High Castle.

    I despair of ever completing my Once and Future King re-read, I keep setting it aside for other books. I don’t know why.Report

    • Maribou in reply to Glyph says:

      Finished my Peter Watts’Blindsight re-read in record time, then I read Starfish, now the middle of Maelstrom, and maybe a third of the way into PKD’s The Man In The High Castle.

      I despair of ever completing my Once and Future King re-read, I keep setting it aside for other books. I don’t know why.


      I find that the first book of OAFK is optimistic/idealist – ish and all the other ones increase stepwise in depressingness, so if you are past the first book maybe that is why? The whole thing is probably my most favorite book ever.Report

      • Glyph in reply to Maribou says:

        Yr description of OAFK tracks with my memory. I really loved it, hence the re-read, but I keep stacking skinnier books on top of it and finishing those first.

        Chris may do a post on Blindsight, and when he does, I have some questions, but will save them for then.Report

      • Mike Schilling in reply to Maribou says:

        I would have said that The Sword in the Stone is juvenile, while the others become more and more adult. That’s probably another way of saying the same thing.

        And try finding a copy of the original TSitS, before the changes to make it part of TOaFK. It’s even awesomer.Report

    • Reformed Republican in reply to Glyph says:

      Holy crap, that episode of Breaking Bad was hard to watch. Things are definitely not headed in the direction I anticipated at the beginning of the season.Report

      • Glyph in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        OK, so quick q: V qvqa’g ernyyl pngpu guvf ng gur gvzr, ohg jura Jnyg znxrf gur cubar pnyy gb Fxlyre, ur’f cresbezvat sbe gur orarsvg bs gur pbcf, gelvat gb gnxr nyy gur oynzr bagb uvzfrys, naq pyrne Fxlyre nf zhpu nf cbffvoyr, evtug?

        V qvqa’g pngpu gung ng svefg – fbzr bs gur fghss ur’f fnlvat gb ure, lbh xabj ur’f gubhtug. Naq V whfg pbhyqa’g oryvrir ubj ybj ur’f fhax nf ur jnf enagvat gb ure.

        Ohg gur enag’f ivgevby (ur’f ARIRE gnyxrq yvxr gung gb ure orsber), cyhf gur synfuonpx ng gur ortvaavat, gb uvz “cresbezvat” ba gur cubar jvgu ure (nobhg fhccbfrqyl univat gb jbex yngr), naq uvf grnef nf ur qbrf vg – vg nyy vaqvpngrf ur XABJF gur pbcf ner yvfgravat va (ur’f abg fghcvq) fb ur’f pbasrffvat naq gelvat gb gnxr nyy gur oynzr, gb znxr ure ybbx yvxr whfg n greebevmrq ivpgvz. Vg’f gur ynfg guvat ur pna qb sbe uvf snzvyl. Naq Fxlyre frrzf gb ernyvmr gung’f jung ur’f qbvat.

        Naq jul qvq ur gnxr Ubyyl? Whfg oyvaq cnavp naq qryhfvba, juvpu ur fancf bhg bs jura ur’f pbbyrq bss (ur’f tbg zbaguf gb yvir, jung vf ur tbvat gb qb jvgu na 18-zbagu byq)?

        Gbqq – gur cbyvgr cflpubcngu (jvgu gur arb-Anmv hapyr jvgu n qvfgnfgr sbe hafrrzyl terrq).Report

      • Reformed Republican in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        OK, so quick q: V qvqa’g ernyyl pngpu guvf ng gur gvzr, ohg jura Jnyg znxrf gur cubar pnyy gb Fxlyre, ur’f cresbezvat sbe gur orarsvg bs gur pbcf, gelvat gb gnxr nyy gur oynzr bagb uvzfrys, naq pyrne Fxlyre nf zhpu nf cbffvoyr, evtug?

        V qvqa’g pngpu gung ng svefg – fbzr bs gur fghss ur’f fnlvat gb ure, lbh xabj ur’f gubhtug. Naq V whfg pbhyqa’g oryvrir ubj ybj ur’f fhax nf ur jnf enagvat gb ure.

        Ohg gur enag’f ivgevby (ur’f ARIRE gnyxrq yvxr gung gb ure orsber), cyhf gur synfuonpx ng gur ortvaavat, gb uvz “cresbezvat” ba gur cubar jvgu ure (nobhg fhccbfrqyl univat gb jbex yngr), naq uvf grnef nf ur qbrf vg – vg nyy vaqvpngrf ur XABJF gur pbcf ner yvfgravat va (ur’f abg fghcvq) fb ur’f pbasrffvat naq gelvat gb gnxr nyy gur oynzr, gb znxr ure ybbx yvxr whfg n greebevmrq ivpgvz. Vg’f gur ynfg guvat ur pna qb sbe uvf snzvyl. Naq Fxlyre frrzf gb ernyvmr gung’f jung ur’f qbvat.

        Naq jul qvq ur gnxr Ubyyl? Whfg oyvaq cnavp naq qryhfvba, juvpu ur fancf bhg bs jura ur’f pbbyrq bss (ur’f tbg zbaguf gb yvir, jung vf ur tbvat gb qb jvgu na 18-zbagu byq)?

        Gbqq – gur cbyvgr cflpubcngu (jvgu gur arb-Anmv hapyr jvgu n qvfgnfgr sbe hafrrzyl terrq).Report

      • Glyph in reply to Reformed Republican says:


      • Reformed Republican in reply to Reformed Republican says:


        I am not retyping my wall of text. TLDR: I agree with what you said.Report

      • Glyph in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        Yeah, somehow I missed that on the initial go-round and just took him at face value. Maybe everything was so horrible I just accepted this too. But thinking back on it it seemed to make more sense the other way.Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        @reformed-republican @glyph

        Gur jnl ur oernxf qbja qhevat gur xavsr svtug znxrf zr guvax irel, irel qvssreragyl bs uvz abj guna rire orsber. Ur ybbxrq yvxr rirel vzcbgrag zvqqyr-ntrq juvgr thl jub jnagf gb oynzr gur jbeyq sbe uvf snvyvatf. Vg’f gur srzvavfgf, be nssvezngvir-npgvba, be vzzvtenagf, be fbzrbar… nalbar ohg uvzfrys. Ur jnf arire gur zna ur jnagrq gb or… fgnegvat jvgu uvf qrcnegher sebz Terl Znggre. Ur jnf nyjnlf gur chgm jnfuvat jurry jryyf jub gubhtug ur qrfreirq orggre naq qvqa’g npuvrir vg orpnhfr bs sbeprf bhgfvqr uvzfrys. Ohg ur vf gur ceboyrz. Vg jnf arire nobhg gur snzvyl. Vg jnf nobhg pbaivapvat uvzfrys ur jnf cbjreshy naq pncnoyr naq yrneavat, lrg ntnva, gung ur vf abg. Sbe nyy gung ur ohvyg unf pehzoyrq qbja nebhaq uvz naq ur vf ab orggre, naq npghnyyl sne jbefr bss, guna ur rire jnf.

        V arire fnj vg tbvat gung jnl. Ohg V pna’g frr uvz nf nalguvat ryfr nsgre gung fprar.Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        V nyfb zvffrq gur ovg bs cresbeznapr neg gur svefg gvzr nebhaq. Vg frrzf n YBG bs crbcyr qvq. V unira’g erjngpurq vg lrg. V jbaqre vs znlor vg jnfa’g ernyyl gurer (be vs gurer jnf rabhtu gb znxr lbh guvax vg ohg abg rabhtu gb pbasvez vg) naq gur gurbel unf fvzcyl fcernq. Orpnhfr RIRELBAR jub V’ir frra fnl vg unf fgnegrq jvgu, “V qvqa’g frr vg gur svefg gvzr…”

        Qhqr zvtug whfg or oebxra sbe tbbq. Ur’f orra vapernfvatyl fybccl.Report

      • Glyph in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        @kazzy – I haven’t rewatched it, I probably will (my wife, no BB fan she, wants to watch it anyway) but it is the only reason I can think of for the phone call flashback at the episode’s start, to explicitly draw that parallel.

        And WW’s failing has always been his ego and his pride.Report

      • Reformed Republican in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        Ur vf pyrneyl pelvat qhevat gur ynfg cubar pnyy.

        Nabgure nethzrag va snibe bs uvz pnevat sbe snzvyl vf gung ur jnf jvyyvat gb tvir hc nyy bs gur zbarl gb fnir Unax. Jnyg qbrf abg yvxr gb tvir hc zbarl.

        Ur vf fgvyy nssyvpgrq ol uhoevf, naq abguvat rkphfrf jung ur unf qbar, ohg ur fgvyy unf gur ynfg erzanag bs uhznavgl.Report

      • Guvf vf zl gnxr ba vg nf jryy. Ba gbc bs gur ernfbaf lbh tnir, vg znxrf gur rcvfbqr jbex ba fb znal yriryf:

        Gur fubj ortvaf naq raqf jvgu Jnyg pnyyvat Fxlyre naq ylvat, naq gur qlanzvpf bs rnpu pnyy ner zveebe vzntrf bs bar nabgure. Va gur svefg ur unf gb cenpgvpr gur yvr bire naq bire orsber ur pna rira qvny, naq unf gur srryvat bs n Unvy Znel nf or gnxrf uvf svefg fgrcf va jung – jura jr erivrj gur jnl guvatf jrer jvgu Wrffr va rcvfbqr bar, uvf pbbxvat va uvf haqrejrne, gur frrql, haqre-rdhvccrq EI, rgp. – srryf yvxr n zvyyvba gb bar fubg gung ur jvyy rire nppbzcyvfu znxvat nal zbarl ng nyy. Va gur frpbaq gur yvrf ner fb frpbaq-angher, naq ner vafregrq vagb gur pbairefngvba va beqre gb znxr n Unvy Znel gb gel naq qb bar ynfg guvat gb cebgrpg uvf snzvyl sebz gur rivyf zbafgebfvgvrf ur unf pbzzvggrq naq vaibyirq gurz va – rfcrpvnyyl Fxlyre, jubfr fbhy ur unf fb oevyyvnagyl bepurfgengrq gb qrfgebl.

        Cyhf: gur jnl gur xavirf ner srngherq va gur bcrarq fprar, naq gur jnl gurer’f guvf zbirzrag va Fxlyre’f unaq jura fur ernpurf bhg arne gur raq gung whfg znlor fu’r ernpuvat sbe gur cubar, jura lbh xabj va lbhe urneg fur vfa’g.

        Gur bgure guvat V fhfcrpg jr’er tbvat gb svaq bhg vf gung Gbqq unf npghnyyl fdhveeryrq Wrffr njnl haorxabjafg gb nalbar ryfr va na nggrzcg gb jva Ylqvn’f nccebiny naq pbbx cebcre oyhr zrgu.

        V fgvyy guvax gur frnfba vf urnqvat gb Wrffr xvyyvat Jnyg.Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Reformed Republican says:

        V gubhtug jr jrer tbvat gb trg Wrffr xvyyvat Jnyg, ohg V whfg qba’g xabj ubj gurl trg gurer sebz urer. Gurl xrcg Wrffr nyvir sbe n ernfba, boivbhfyl… abguvat ba gur fubj vf nppvqragny. Ohg jr arrq Wrffr gb rfpncr naq V’z abg fher ubj gung unccraf va n jnl gung qbrfa’g srry evqvphybhfyl sbeprq. V arire fnj gur fubj tbvat “Qvr Uneq” ba hf… rira jura gurer jrer snagnfgvpny npgvba frdhraprf, vg arire sryg yvxr n gehr npgvba zbivr. Fvtaf cbvag gbjneqf tbvat gung jnl, naq V jbhyqa’g qbja gur perngbef naq znxref bs gur fubj sebz chyyvat vg bss… ohg V fgehttyr gb frr n frdhrapr bs riragf.

        V guvax Jnyg vf veerqrrznoyr ng guvf cbvag. Naq V’z abg fher ubj zhpu V’q rawbl gurz gelvat gb erqrrz uvz. Uvz pbzvat onpx sbe gur snzvyl srryf gb srry-tbbql, rira vs ur hygvzngryl snvyf. V guvax gur zna vf gbb sne tbar, oebxra onq va uvf ragvergl. Ur’f pbzvat onpx sbe uvf zbarl… be eriratr… be orpnhfr ur pna’g tb njnl dhvrgyl orpnhfr gur srne bs qlvat dhvrgyl naq jvgubhg yrnivat uvf znex ba gur jbeyq vf jung ghearq uvz vagb Urvfraoret va gur svefg cynpr. Vs/jura ur qvfnccrnef gb Arj Unzcfuver, ur haqbrf rirelguvat ur gevrq gb qb. Uvf snzvyl vf jbefr bss guna gurl rire jrer (ab zbarl, ybfg gur ubhfr, naq whfg cynva funggrerq) naq gur bayl guvat ur perngrq va gur jbeyq (gur zrgu) jnf n cbjreshy fbhepr bs qrfgehpgvba gung ynvq jnfgr gb rirelbar jub gbhpurq vg, qverpgyl be vaqverpgyl. Ur pna’g tb bhg gung jnl. Ur unf gb erpynvz Urvfraoret, rira vs vg vf whfg gb cebir gur yrtraq jnf erny… gb whfgvsl uvf bja rkvfgrapr. Ur’f abg n anzr ba n jnyy… ur’f n zna. Gur xvat. Gur ohvyqre bs na rzcver.

        Abg ernyyl eryngrq ohg fbeg bs eryrinag gb zl birenyy gurzr: Vf gurer nal punapr gung Jnyg vfa’g gur onol’f sngure? V qba’g erzrzore gur rknpg gvzryvar, ohg vf gurer nal cbffvovyvgl gur certanapl vf gur erfhyg bs ure nssnve? Be jnf gur nssnve nsgre gur certanapl? Gung jnf fb ybat ntb… V bayl nfx orpnhfr vs gur onol vfa’g Jnyg’f, V guvax vg ernyyl cbvagf gbjneqf gur Jnyg-nf-hygvzngr-ybfg-vzcbgrag-zna gurbel.Report

      • Glyph in reply to Reformed Republican says:


        Jnyg fbzrubj svaqf bhg gung oyhr zrgu vf orvat fbyq ntnva, gvccvat uvz bss gb gur snpg gung Wrffr vf fgvyy nyvir (bayl Wrffr jbhyq xabj ubj gb znxr vg).

        Jnyg tbrf hc ntnvafg gur arb-anmvf (urapr gur Z-60) gb fnir Wrffr, univat ercragrq bs tvivat gur beqre sbe uvf qrngu (V guvax yrnivat Ubyyl ng gur sver fgngvba naq gnxvat gur oynzr sbe Fxlyre zrnaf ur’f pbzvat gb uvf frafrf naq npprcgvat phycnovyvgl sbe nyy gung’f unccrarq – naq nppbeqvatyl, gur evpva vf sbe uvzfrys).

        N qlvat Jnyg (jurgure sebz evpva/Wrffr/arb-anmvf) tvirf Wrffr gur erznvaqre bs gur oneery zbarl, juvpu Wrffr fcyvgf jvgu Jnyg’f snzvyl.Report

  3. Will Truman says:

    One episode of Hannibal left.

    Also, somebody (can’t remember who) gave me the idea to finally watch Firefly. I’m one and a part episodes into that.

    Listening to the marathon GraphicAudio production of Green Lantern: Sleepers. It’s 18 hours long.Report

    • Glyph in reply to Will Truman says:

      Finish Hannibal already! 🙂Report

      • Will Truman in reply to Glyph says:

        So… uh… now what?Report

      • Glyph in reply to Glyph says:

        First of all: What did you think?

        Second: How much does Tvyyvna Naqrefba’f punenpgre know, and when qvq fur xabj vg?

        Third: How awesome are Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelson in this? (That one I can answer: totally awesome).

        Trying to decide if my favorite line was “Cyrnfr, qba’g yvr gb zr”, be “Nccneragyl, Qe. Yrpgre, guvf….vf ubj….V tb.”Report

      • Will Truman in reply to Glyph says:

        My previous comment is my initial answer to your first question.

        Gotta put the baby to bed and let it soak in. Then we shall continue.Report

      • Will Truman in reply to Glyph says:

        Is anyone here still watching this program? I’m going to rot13 the whole thing, but unless someone is worried about spoilers, we should probably not bother.

        V unir guerr znva pevgvpvfzf: V gubhtug gur frevrf gevrq gbb uneq ng fbzr cbvagf. Yvxr vg qvqa’g unir snvgu va vgf bja qenzngvp grafvba. Fbzr bs vg jbexrq, gubhtu, yvxr gur qbt jngpuvat Jvyy tb. Nynan pelvat va gur pne… zru. Naq gur Nynan punenpgre va trareny, gb or ubarfg. Gbb rkcyvpvg. Gur fubj jnf ng vgf orfg jura zber jnf whfg unatvat bhg gurer.

        V npghnyyl qvqa’g yvxr Zvxxryfra. Znlor V’z ahgf. Gur punenpgre jnf terng, ohg V qvqa’g srry vg yvxr lbh qvq. (Qnapl jnf njrfbzr.)

        V nyfb gubhtug vg xrcg gelvat gb bhgqb vgfrys jvgu gur tber.

        Gubfr pevgvpvfzf bhg bs gur jnl, V yvxrq vg dhvgr n ovg. Gurer ner rabhtu zbivat cnegf gung V guvax V arrq gb jngpu vg va pybfre cebkvzvgl rira vs vg’f qnatrebhf sbe bar’f zragny urnygu. Jvgu gur rkprcgvba bs Zvxryfra, V gubhtug gur pnfg qvq terng. Rira gur fznyyre cnegf yvxr gur grpuf jrer qbar jryy.

        V gubhtug gur tenqhny vapernfr bs Qh Znhevre (Naqrefba) jnf nyfb terng. Yvxr lbh, V jnf gnxra nonpx ol ure pbzzragf naq jnag gb xabj zber.

        Obgu yvarf jrer terng, ohg “guvf vf ubj V tb” jnf whfg njrfbzr.Report

      • Glyph in reply to Glyph says:

        V yvxr gur Nynan punenpgre (naq gur npgerff, jub jnf va Jbaqresnyyf), ohg gurl qb arrq gb tvir ure zber gb qb. V guvax vg’f nccnerag fur’f gehyl Jvyy’f “ebpx” (hayvxr Wnpx, jub FNLF gung, ohg ernyyl vf whfg hfvat Jvyy hc) naq V yvxr gung fur’f gur bar jub chg gur raprcunyvgvf chmmyr gbtrgure.

        Ohg yvxr lbh, V nyfb gubhtug ure fyb-zb jrrcvat va gur pne fprar jnf evqvphybhf.

        Onfvpnyyl, V guvax fur whfg arrqf orggre jevgvat.

        Gur tber vf qrsvavgryl bire-gur-gbc. Gur “jvatf”? Lrrfu. Gur perrcl tvey jvgu Pbgneq’f? Htu.

        V nyfb yvxrq Jvyy gelvat gb chg gur cvrprf gbtrgure jura Wnpx vf vagreebtngvat uvz. Jvyy svanyyl fgnegf ernyvmvat gung fbzrbar pybfr gb uvz zhfg or znavchyngvat riragf naq senzvat uvz, ohg ur unfa’g dhvgr (pbafpvbhfyl) neevirq ng Yrpgre – naq jura ur oevrsyl pbafvqref gung vg pbhyq or Wnpx oruvaq vg nyy, ur xvaq bs ovggreyl ynhtuf naq fnlf fbzrguvat yvxr, “obl, gura V’q or ERNYYL fperjrq.”

        V nyernql cer-beqrerq gur QIQf, V jvyy or qbvat n er-jngpu jvgu sevraqf.Report

  4. aaron david says:

    Reading “A Visit From the Goon Squad.”
    “Valley of Death” has been on my non-fic list since I read “A Savage War of Peace” a few years ago. Things of that nature seem to have pushed back by a fascination with central asian explorers of the ’30’s.Report

  5. Jim Miller says:

    Just published my first book, Hardwired: Finding the God You Already Know, and carrying it around the house like I’m reading it for the first time because it makes my wife roll her eyes.Report

  6. Maribou says:

    This week has been insane, so I have neither read much nor watched much TV. I finished the weighty, pretty, and rather dry UNESCO volume The Memory of the World and I knocked off a short volume of travel essays by novelist types called Better than Fiction. And I am still listening to A Wizard Alone by Diane Duane.Report

  7. Chris says:

    Finally watching Fringe Season 5, after Netflix fished with me a month ago.

    Just finished Blindsight yesterday (not in record time). Also read The Illustrated Man this week, ’cause the teenager is reading it for school.

    Oh, and there are new Coetzee and Richard Flanagan books this month.Report

    • Glyph in reply to Chris says:

      Heh. I should clarify “in record time”… I was surprised by how fast I did it this time – I am a pretty fast reader, but with sick kids, I thought it wouldn’t be fast this time. Plus, I thought I wouldn’t be as motivated, since I had read it once before.

      But it totally sucked me in all over again, I was reading while bouncing a baby in the other arm. I guess I should have said “record time, considering constraints”.

      Looking forward to your post on it! (I am putting it out there in print so you have to do it) 😉Report

      • Chris in reply to Glyph says:

        Heh… I actually did read it pretty fast (it reads fast), now that I think about it, but it took me almost exactly one week to do it, because I had to read Bradbury and a manuscript during the week. So I felt like I read it really slowly.

        And yeah, I’m hoping to finish the post tonight while the experience is still fresh.Report

    • Glyph in reply to Chris says:

      Oh and also: Fringe S5.

      Reinforcing, yet again, the truth that JJ Abrams-related shows have no endgame.Report

      • Chris in reply to Glyph says:

        I watched the finale last night. V jnag zl zbarl onpx.

        Frevbhfyl, V zrna vg qbrfa’g rira znxr frafr. Gur bayl ernfba gurer’f n Crgre va gung havirefr vf orpnhfr na bofreire vagresrerq jvgu Jnygreangr’f qvfpbirel bs n pher, fb gung guvf havirefr’f Jnygre unq gb tb bire gb fnir uvz. Fb, trggvat evq bs gur Bofreiref nygbtrgure zrnaf ab Crgre!Report

      • Glyph in reply to Glyph says:

        Qhqr, abg bayl qbrf gung znxr ab frafr, gur Bofreiref’ ragver rivy cyna (naq V arire ernyyl obhtug gurve fhqqra ghea vagb rivyqbz, cyhf gur urnq rivy thl jnf perrcl jvgubhg rire orvat tvira nal tbbq yvarf) znxrf ab frafr.

        V nz n sne-shgher travhf zna jub pna ab ybatre yvir ba zl rpb-jerpxrq cynarg.

        Fb zl travhf cyna vf gb: geniry onpx va gvzr (yrnivat nfvqr gur snpg gung vs V pna znfgre gvzr-geniry, n yvggyr greensbezvat gb znxr zl bja cynarg – be nabgure – yvinoyr, fubhyq or jryy jvguva zl pncnovyvgvrf), naq…frg hc rdhvczrag gurer fb nf gb ghea gur CNFG’F rpbybtl gb penc, fvapr penc’f jung V nz hfrq gb, qba’g’pun xabj – jnvg, V gubhtug V jnf YRNIVAT gur shgher orpnhfr vg jnf n pencubyr – nera’g V whfg gheavat gur shgher vagb n pencubyr fbbare? NETU!

        Cyhf, bapr Oeblyrf ernyvmrq gur Bofreiref jrer bagb uvz, ur fubhyq unir srq gurz zvfvasbezngvba, zvfyrnqvat naq qrynlvat gurz nf ybat nf cbffvoyr.

        Vafgrnq, ur oyrj vg ol yrggvat gurz xabj gung UR xarj gurl jrer bagb uvz, naq gurerol jrag bhg yvxr n gbgny chax.

        Oeblyrf jnfa’g ab chax.

        F2 naq F3 jrer njrfbzr, ohg 4 jnf jrnx naq 5 jnf greevoyr (yrg’f abg sbetrg gur jevgref gelvat gb znxr hf pner nobhg Uraevrggn’f zrnavatyrff qrngu, n punenpgre jr arire xarj gb ortva jvgu, naq xarj jbhyq pyrneyl or erfheerpgrq ol gvzr-geniry gevpxrel naljnl. Be gung naablvat naq obevat ZnpThssva bs gur xvq Bofreire) .Report

      • Chris in reply to Glyph says:

        Gur Bofreiref jrer pbby jura gurl jrer whfg Bofreiref, ohg lbh’er evtug, gurve gnxrbire jnf fghcvq.

        Naq juvyr Frnfba 5 jnf onq, fvapr gur ohyx bs vg jnf gnxra hc jvgu gelvat gb svther bhg jung Jnygre unq fnvq ba gur gncrf, naq gura tbvat bhg naq trggvat fghss, gb frg hc gur cyna gb qrsrng gur Bofreiref, gurl pbhyq unir ng yrnfg unq n orggre cyna guna, “Yrg’f fraq gur puvyq Bofreire sebz n cerggl tbbq rcvfbqr va n cerivbhf frnfba vagb gur shgher, jurer zntvp jvyy unccra, orpnhfr vg’f gur shgher!”

        Now I’m going to go watch Lost, because I hear it ended well. (Kidding.)Report

  8. NewDealer says:

    I just started

    The Children’s Book by AS Byatt and Before The Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the Ameican Consensus by Rick PerlsteinReport

  9. Mike Schilling says:

    Foyle’s War, a BBC cop series set in England during WWII. It’s great fun from many angles. They get the period details right, both physical (they’ve found some wonderful old cars, houses, and WWII-era military planes), and social. The acting is uniformly excellent, especially Michael Kitchen as the main character, Superintendent Foyle. They’re pretty good murder mysteries too.Report

  10. Kazzy says:

    Breaking Bad. Hot damn. I’m not one to get crazy about a show, but this thing is really something else. I haven’t heard other people talk much about it here. I keep debating doing a post but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.

    But, yea, holy crap.Report

    • Glyph in reply to Kazzy says:

      It comes up here occasionally – Mike Schilling, Tod, Reformed Republican and Chris all watch (RR and I discuss last ep above). It seems actually way more popular now than it was back at the beginning (at least, I can’t go anywhere online without it coming up now).Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Glyph says:

        They said that the 5.2 premier doubled the largest audience it had accumulated. I also think a TON of people made a point to catch up and watch the final 8 episodes live to be part of the process. So there is a lot more buzz about it in the moment.Report

    • Chris in reply to Kazzy says:

      Breaking Bad is awesome, but I’m always a season behind because I watch it on Netflix. I discovered it kind of late, when Seasons 1-4 were already streaming, and I watched those 4 season in a span of about 2 weeks. I’m not a binge TV watcher like that, but I couldn’t stop watching. It’s the best written train wreck I’ve ever seen.Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Chris says:

        I had done similar, and caught up with 5.1 the week before 5.2 debuted and have been watching on DVR about a day or two late.

        The last 8 episodes will be hard to binge watch. They’re too emotionally wrenching.Report

      • Glyph in reply to Chris says:

        I have a friend who watched the first season or so but stopped, because even though he recognizes it’s well-written, he just can’t see sticking around to the inevitable flameout.

        “I know THAT’S not going to end well for anybody, so why watch?”Report

      • Mike Schilling in reply to Chris says:

        I watched all of season 4 in a weekend. Exactly like a book you stay up until 4 AM finishing, the whole time telling yourself “Just one more chapter.”Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Chris says:

        Zazzy couldn’t get passed the first season as the anxiety wrecked her. She is just too prone to anxiety.

        After the end of last week’s episode, where we were waiting for people that may or may not arrive and, upon arrival, may or may not do something… I was almost beside myself with anxiety, a most unfamiliar feeling.

        Afterwards, I went upstairs and said, “Babe, I have to apologize. I just felt incredibly anxious for the last 10 minutes of the episode. It was awful. No one should ever feel like that. You feel that way all the time?!?!?!” “Yep.” “I am so sorry I haven’t been more supportive of that.” “I’d like to say I appreciate it.. but it took a TV show to get you here?” [runs]Report

      • Chris in reply to Chris says:

        It really is the most anxiety-inducing show I’ve ever seen. Hell, half the reason I watched the first 4 seasons so quickly is because I would feel so anxious about what was going to happen that I had to watch the next episode just to relieve some of the tension. Of course, the next episode would rebuild the tension, and I’d be in the same predicament at the end of it as well, so then I had to watch a third, and soo on.Report

      • J@m3z Aitch in reply to Chris says:

        You all are making me feel marvelously superior for never having given a passing thought to watching the show.

        Please pardon me now, while I bask in the lovely scent of my own smug.Report

      • Mike Schilling in reply to Chris says:

        Not at all. Breaking Bad arouses such strong feelings because it’s a combination of gripping, compelling, and unpredictable. It’s as if you’re listening to a bunch of guys talking about how crazy their girlfriends can make them and congratulating yourself for your good sense in avoiding sex.Report

      • J@m3z Aitch in reply to Chris says:

        No, just sex with that crazy chick/guy who ends up staring in your window in the middle of the night.Report

      • J@m3z Aitch in reply to Chris says:

        I mean, it’s not like I never watch TV. I just avoid committent. Because I got, like, really really deeply involved with that beautiful bitch Battlestar Galactica, and the whole world knows how that relationship ended.Report

    • Tod Kelly in reply to Kazzy says:

      Yeah, this week’s episode might have both the best episode so far (certainly the most literary), while it was also the hardest to watch.
