Mocking The Pagan
I learned a long time ago that part of what makes people of different faiths about to get along together is to not mock one anothers’ beliefs. If I wish tolerance for my own world...
I learned a long time ago that part of what makes people of different faiths about to get along together is to not mock one anothers’ beliefs. If I wish tolerance for my own world...
by zic It seems like he’s always been with me, always a part of my life. But it’s not true. I recall that first day we met, I was in a now-defunct book store,...
From each according to his ability, to each according to what is available. At the beginning of the essay in In The First Circle: A Novel (The Restored Text: The First Uncensored Edition) (henceforth “the...
My good friend Brandon Foose has pointed out to me that the Olympics has decided to end its 2700-year relationship with wrestling effective 2020: There are millions of people whose lives have been shaped by...
A few days ago I was sent an interesting article by Mad Rocket Scientist, Regressive Effects of Regulation, authored by Diana Thomas at George Mason University’s Mercatus Centre. The paper’s central focus is on a trade-off that...
Yeah, so this bugged me. Over at Balloon Juice, DougJ says that he’s glad that pundit Michael Kelly is dead and wishes that he’d died younger. Anticipating the need for a straw man in...
The post I was going to write was about how I became a Louisville fan but upon proofreading it seemed a rather self-indulgent autobiography. So the short story: I grew up in this city,...
For a cartoon, it actually had a pretty fleshed-out world. A bit of the Freak of the Weak plotting, but fun nonetheless. Of course, then I watched an episode a couple of years ago,...
Writer Matthew Hutson, Social Psychologist Paul Piff, and, ummm, me; at the Huffington Post Live, discussing whether or not the rich are different, and if so, how? I’ve always been partial to Hemmingway’s (apocryphal)...
It is impossible to get a human being on the phone with my insurance company outside of regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30AM to 5PM. Given the complex nature of our health care...
Ima tell you this story before I can tell you the next ‘un. (If you’re impatient, jump ahead to 3:24 on the video.) Way back in 2008, Irrational Games came out with a first-person...
Let’s say a man is working with a woman in a professional capacity. Let’s further say that, without necessarily wanting to pursue a romantic, sexual or any other sort of personal relationship with her, the...
So here we are, two months out from Leaguefest, which means it’s high time to start getting into the nitty gritty of planning this thing. I’m happy to say that there was an overwhelmingly...
Seriously! How is it that there are so many adults who do not know basic highschool chemistry? From WFTV
Good news, everyone! Finally admitting to ineptitude and corruption, each of the two major political parties is throwing in the towel and admitting that as a general rule they’re really terrible at picking candidates. ...
Famous film critic Roger Ebert has died. He could be as scathing as any critic, but he also displayed a passionate love of movies and film-making more warmhearted and heartfelt than most others I...
… of sorts, anyway. A friend just reminded me of this list I made in high school and the common denominators he saw immediately that I didn’t. Reminded of it now, I found myself wondering,...
During our charity symposium, I argued that much of what we do for charity is really self-regarding, and we can know this because these acts are inefficient when evaluated for their help-giving power. For...