Monthly Archive: January 2013

Wild Ocean

It was really windy last night, and from the South, which is odd. The wave just cresting is about 20′ top to bottom.


I found this to be an incredibly awesome read, and thought it deserved a link. “Look at me overcoming a wrench.” (image credit: linked post)

Beowulf-Grendel book club reminder

Just a quick note to remind everyone we’ll be starting our Beowulf-Grendel book club tomorrow.  We’ll be discussing lines 1-1007.  (Pages 3-67 in the Heaney translation – only about 30 pages or reading for...

Closing Remarks

Tonight I rushed home from work, loaded the dog in the truck and headed out to the farm for one last hunt. Kentucky’s Canada goose season ends tomorrow and that means my year in the...

Please, For The Love Of God, Stop

Here at The League, we promote the sort of reasonable discourse that forces us to give our ideological opponents a fair hearing. This rigor demands our consideration, lest we unfairly dismiss the legitimate claims...

Notes inspired by The House of Mirth

Is marriage an unsolvable problem? It certainly seems that way from the case studies offered in Western literature where happy marriages are few and far between and often of the long distance sort of...

BIBI, Armed Bears edition

Many folks argue that the right to keep and bear arms is not only Constitutional, but also self-evident: our right to our weapons exists beyond the framework of any particular government or document.  With...

Open Thread – Kids In The Hall Edition

Glyph recently reminded me how much I love the Kids In The Hall, the Canadian, produced-by-Lorne-Michaels-but-non-SNL sketch comedy show.  So I thought I’d start up an open thread with a sketch which is really...

Too Steep A Path

Yesterday I read the Senate Gang of Eight’s proposal on immigration reform. (Since when was Marco Rubio in this group, which first formed before he was elected to the Senate?) It promises a “tough but...

Totems at Poles

Unlike climbers, who give routes clever names like The Sound of One Hand Slapping or Tammy Baker’s Face, surfers tend toward straight forward names. “Poles” is the name of a break at the west end...

Blackmun on Roe, 14 Years Later

[vimeo w=600&h=500] Via Digby I see this 1987 interview between Bill Moyers and Harry Blackmun, former Supreme Court Justice and author of Roe v. Wade. One thing to understand about Blackmun is that despite whatever assumptions...

A comments culture to strive for…

Over the past month we’ve been getting an increasing number of complaints about the comments culture here at the League.  These complaints are coming from regular commenters, readers who don’t comment at all, and...

The Importance of Digital Archivists

The recent discussion on copyright and digital archives (and accessible information) seems somewhat relevant here. There’s a lot of tragedies unfolding in Mali, but the loss of manuscripts from a part of the world...

Teaching Social Norms, Part 1

This is the first in a series of posts where I will explore the interesting phenomenon that is teaching social norms.  As an early childhood educator, I am tasked with far more than teaching...

Pork and Pickles

~by M.A. Since some of the Gents on the Masthead have shared their cooking treats with us, I’ve decided to pass on a little cheap-eating trick I discovered about four years ago. There’s really...