Monthly Archive: November 2012

Windows 8 Bleg

I just got a new laptop, which came with Windows 8 and Explorer 10. I am frustrated. Things are different now. I’ve managed to stumble into a desktop environment like I was used to...

Blinded Trials Bait: An Ethics Quandary

Updated Below I had an exchange at a large retailer this weekend that made me question some of the struts in my own ethical framework.  Intellectually, I’m having a hard time piecing together whether...

Misusing the Social Contract

There is a certain kind of libertarian who says that they see no reason to abide by XYZ laws/ pay taxes because they didn’t sign any social contract. Hell, I don’t even have to...

Romney Logic

Mitt Romney believes that he lost the presidential election because many voters (as many as 47%, maybe more!) who benefit from government programs were incapable of basing their votes on anything other than their interest in maintaining...


I know most of you all around here find soccer unwatchable and soccer posts around here tend to result in a giant yawn from the commentariat.  But I submit that if you do not...

Thermomixed Up Strikes Back! (The Work and Dignity Edition)

S/V INTEMPERANCE, November 2009, somewhere between Montauk Point and Bermuda “You can’t throw bull with the ocean, she won’t listen.” — Harold “Dynamite” Payson, Build the New Instant Boats (Previously, Parts 1,  2,  3 , 4,  5, 6, 7 and 8) In...

On “Free” Markets

by James Hanley Part II: Dedicated to all the quiet folks who read part I. I’m still astounded that despite my repeated disavowals some folks were certain that I was arguing that that modern...

Let’s Deal the Cards!

by Mike Schilling The Monty Hall Problem is a great piece of recreational mathematics, because it’s very simple to state, doesn’t require any advanced mathematical tools to analyze, and has a solution that’s both...

Disruption Junction, What’s Your Function? Part 2

From The California Public Utilities Commission: Lyft, SideCar, and Uber were cited $20,000 each for violations of state law, including operating as passenger carriers without evidence of public liability and property damage insurance coverage...

wildlife management

On Twitter Avatars

A recent twitter exchange with James Bennet, combined with a recent change to my twitter avatar causes me to gather up some thoughts about the way we use photographs as a part of our...