Dear Internet…
Please start using Google+. It’s better than Facebook in nearly every way but one: nobody is using it.
The other day I was at a coffeehouse in Redstone. Said coffeehouse has a terrible WiFi connection. I couldn’t access Facebook. It would load and load and load. Google+ opened in like two seconds. Also, I can’t even keep Facebook’s Android app because it’s such a resource hog (I use Friendcaster) while Google+’s Android app is beautiful. I like the look and feel better. Instant Upload is pretty cool. It’s perfect… except that nobody is using it.
(It’s actually imperfect in another way. It involves API’s and browser plug-ins. I won’t get into it. But I find Facebook increasingly annoying and G+ is just great. Or would be, if anyone used it.)
I think I have a BetaMax tape or HD-DVD explaining this very same idea.Report
Mine’s on laserdisc.Report
I was sure that HD-DVD was going to win that one. I was positive.
I came to the conclusion that they really screwed up when naming the thing. “Blu-Ray” sounds badass. “HD-DVD” sounds like a vaccine.Report
My DVD player just broke. I’m afraid not to buy a Blu-Ray even though I don’t know what it is.Report
Get yourself a PS3. It’ll get you where you’re going.Report
Never go in against Sony when death is on the line.Report
That’s just it, though. It had seemed to me that Sony had been on a losing streak on such standards-races. I can’t remember where they had lost, but it factored in to my thinking.Report
They trumped this one because they had, in the meantime, acquired a huge library of content that you could then only acquire by purchasing on their medium.Report
I prefer to think of it as Sony having chosen a name that sounds like a ray gun that every rightminded boy from 6-13 absolutely must have while Toshiba went with a name that sounds like a shot that people in Boulder thinks give you autism.
Your answer is too depressing.Report
Was there any truth to the view (as expressed by Jay Baruchel’s character in Tropic Thunder, as well as a friend of mine that was/is in the movie biz) that it was the porn industry throwing their support behind the Blu-Ray format that gave it the thrust it needed to achieve liftoff*?
*all puns intended, all rights reserved, all wrongs reversedReport
That is what I always heard/believed to be true.Report
Thje same is true with VHS vs Beta Max, I believe.Report
I read my G+ feed regularly, but the critical mass just isn’t there for me to duplicate what little posting I do in both places, 90% of which are photo updates of baby girl and therefore primarily of interest to the family, none of whom have made the leap to G+.
While we’re being cranks about Google products, am I the only one cheesed off about the impending end of iGoogle without any suitable replacement?Report
I’m considering blackmailing family and friends… “If you want to see pictures of Lain, you will use G+” (mostly because G+ makes putting pictures on there so easily.)
Yes! iGoogle was weak, but it was there. There is no reason why they shouldn’t have something strong right now.Report
You are not alone. I finally have all my gadgets set just the way I like, and they end-of-life itReport
Can you set Google+ to automatically unfriend people who vote the wrong way?Report
It’s under settings -> auto -> a-hole
Or, just hit Ctrl-fish-u.Report
The “fish” in place of the other “f” word has started to affect the way I interpret “fishing” offline in disturbing ways. For example, “fishing trips” have taken on a whole new meaning.Report
All I know is, environmental groups keep telling me that overfishing is a serious problem, and all I can say is: not in my world, buddy. Not in my world.Report
We should have a League Forum about the libertarian position on commercial fishing.Report
That’s easy – Fishing is always good, unless force or fraud is involved.Report
I worry, though, that commercial fishing has too many negative externalities, or some other such libertarian-speak. (I’m not even sure how this works as a double entendre, but it probably does if you know more about economics than I do).Report
The negative externalities of fishing are assiociated exclusively with males.Report
I endorse this post, but my family won’t leave Facebook.
I despise Facebook and only post pictures there because they demand it. I’ve tried posting work stuff there, and even League posts, but I don’t think they get much response, and I don’t like how Facebook handles sharing anyway.Report
I’m an inveterate G+ user. Never liked Facebook. I have an identity under an alias, to keep up with my g/f who does use Facebook. A lot.
G+ is organised in ways Facebook just can’t match.Report
I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better.Report
The lack of APIs is a deal breaker (posting social media content is part of my job). And of the 100 or so people I have in circles, three post anything at all.Report
I love most things about G+ and I was a big cheerleader at the start. It was very hard to stay active with it considering the lack-of-use.
With using Hangouts for Leaguecasts I am thinking I need to give it a second go. I just have to figure out what that would look like. I mostly use FB for twitter-like posts when I’m trying to kill a few minutes or for sharing pictures.Report
I’d happily go to G+ if everyone else would. It’s a nicer UI and user experience.Report
Facebook had a nice UI and user experience, too, and then they ran out of VC money and had to start making a profit.Report