Daily Archive: September 18, 2012

Good Stories Never Die

Ya’ll remember Caine’s Arcade, yes? The Internet is still awesome. Important to remember after the last week.

Hiding The Happy

Court proceedings are, as a rule, public. By design, anyone is entitled to see pretty much everything that happens in open court. Now, I’m in court a lot. So I see restraining orders get...

We are the state

Many moons ago, in the gap of time between when I graduated from medical school and when my residency began, I went on a medical mission trip to Central America.  Two of my best...

Tuesday Morning Jukebox

Because I have had nothing to say about politics lately, and because we have been accused of being too white and too male, I give you this. I do hope Romney gets a chance...

Mansplain to Me

I am routinely regarded, particularly by those who don’t know me, as a jerk. I know this because people in my office and my building remind me that this interpretation is widespread. They don’t...

Week Two Roundup

My birthday is Sunday, but my present came early — the NFL direct package and the Red Zone channel. Sunday morning there were nine games going at once and it was so great I...