Thanksgiving long weekend long song jukebox and open thread
This is the time of year when it’s awesome to have a song that takes 10 minutes to give you time to think about all the things you’re thankful for and then list them in the comments or to air your grievances there or, heck, to just treat the comments like an open thread.
No grievances, and I haven’t gotten started on my list of things to really be thankful for this year beyond the obvious: a warm hone, family, enough to eat even in the midst of personal economic stress. Well, there is one thing: The League of Ordinary Gentlemen. I’m thankful for the truly extraordinary effort and thought that everyone who writes, reads, and comments here gives voluntarily to this place just so that it is/remains such a special place for learning and talking with a wonderfully interesting and smart, if unfortunately more gender-homogeneous tan we’d prefer, group of people.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at The League!Report