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Daniel is a journalist.

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17 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    It’s not the university, but a student group that offered the $20 for the t-shirts. The university actually licensed them.Report

    • Daniel in reply to Chris says:

      Important distinction.Report

    • Chris in reply to Chris says:

      Err… no, the university didn’t license them. I read the story wrong. Ignore that. Also, I think the actual shirt is pretty funny (better than the silly Huck the Fuskers).Report

      • Daniel in reply to Chris says:

        Really? I kinda like Huck the Fuskers.Report

        • Chris in reply to Daniel says:

          I remember when I first saw a Huck the Fuskers t-shirt, sometime around 1992. I thought it was funny for a minute, and then thought it was kind of silly, similar to your reaction to Buck the Fuckeyes, I think.

          But “West Fucking Virginia,” now that makes sense. When I was an undergrad and under 21, we occasionally drove to Huntington because the bars there were 18 and up (and as everyone knows, getting in is 99% of the battle). “West Fucking Virginia” was a common response to the question, “Where you going this weekend?”Report

        • James Hanley in reply to Daniel says:

          In Oregon, the version is “Huck the Fuskies.” Not nearly as clever, though, as the bumper sticker reading “Support a Husky Free Northwest.”Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    There is a truck here in town that has a “I’m going NUCKING FUTS!” bumpersticker (and “nucking futs” is in a wacky font).

    Stuck behind this truck at a stoplight, I am left alone to meditate on the sequence of events that led to this. The driver was, one day, walking through a store that happened to have bumperstickers. S/he saw this bumpersticker. S/he laughed. S/he said “I need to put this on my truck!” S/he purchased this bumpersticker. S/he put it on her/his truck. S/he continues to drive around town with this bumpersticker on her/his truck.

    Then the light turns green and I move towards my destination.Report

  3. CubFan says:

    As a (mostly) proud Cubs fan, I’ll still proudly wear my “Muck the Fets” T-Shirt (in stylin’ orange & blue lettering) every time New York visits Wrigley.Report

  4. Kimmi says:

    There is funny, and then there is funny.
    The Buck Ofama shirts were… profitable. 😉Report

  5. Ryan Bonneville says:

    West Fucking Virginia has a proud history, as Chris points out above. That one at least makes sense.

    And, perhaps because I’m a Wolverine, perhaps because I’m a pedant, I have always had a soft spot for Buck the Fuckeyes. The word is still right there on the shirt! You haven’t achieved anything by switching the B and the F! I love it!Report

  6. Sam M says:

    Profane. Silly. Pointless. These shirts do seem to have a place in college fandom.

    What do you expect? Shirts with Susan Sontag quotes on them?Report