Caption Contest
Photo via Matt Welch. Apparently this happened during a commercial break after a heated exchange between the two.
by Erik Kain · September 8, 2011
Photo via Matt Welch. Apparently this happened during a commercial break after a heated exchange between the two.
Tags: Rick PerryRon Paul
Erik Kain
Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.
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Thanks to your generosity, we were able to upgrade our service plan. Hopefully this will help us address some of our performance issues.
Snug as a Bug in a Rug. Until…
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March 2, 2025
“No, come on. Smell it!”Report
“One word about the Fed and you’re #235.”Report
That’s gonna be tough to beat.Report
Yeah. That’s good.Report
Dammit, I was going with a 235 joke too!Report
Pull my finger, No, I dare you, pull it!Report
Your Tiger Claw is no match for my Iron Finger.Report
“Uncle Paul, we told you ‘no peppermint schnapps’ before this party got started…”Report
I wish I knew how to quit you, Paul.Report
Oh, man. Jason and E.D. are head-to-head.Report
Agreed: Erik and Jason have set such a high bar that I do not even want to compete in this contest.Report
Isn’t it terrible how close those wildfires are to your house? Now are you going to drop out quietly, or…?Report
Remeber, Ronnie, even if I get to the White House, I’ll be right here.Report
“I told you, it’s my Tea Party. Look…. mine. My Tea Party!”
“Hey, hey! Don’t be a meanie. Don’t. It’s not nice. Look at me when I’m talking to you!”Report
“Keep you coat buttoned and on, Paul. I fight only with words and toy guns.”Report
Alternative to the alternative:
“I carry a piece for a reason, motherfisher.”Report
“Look, I don’t need an *in*visible hand…”Report
“I think its time for your prostrate exam, Dr.”Report
“Listen, I know you’re not at work right now, so I don’t wanna put you on the spot, but ever since that night over on the other side of the border, there’s been some tingling and some numbness. I mean, I’m not in any position to say whether or not this has anything to do with what went down after the donkey show – I don’t really remember all of it – but, uhhh… I’d like you to have a look, and if any of the Romney folks come around asking just tell them I sprained it playing piano.”Report
“Will you go three knuckles deep Dr. Paul?”
Christopher Carr has my vote.Report
“Don’t tell me I don’t understand freedom. My mother told me I don’t understand freedom. Once!”Report
“I’mma let you finish, but Bachmann had one of the best answers of all time.”Report
Ha! Good one, Ryan.Report
“You hear that story about me and the coyote?”Report