Norberg on Vargas Llosa and the Nobel
The Swedish Left is beyond parody. Llosa’s best line: “For reasons that elude me, anyone defending freedom of expression, free elections and political pluralism in Latin America is known as a[n authoritarian] right-winger among the area’s intellectuals.”
The Swedish Left are pitch perfect examples of what they themselves call “parlor Bolsheviks”. Norberg is right – they identify more with the revolutionaries than with the actual proletariat.
And his note about the denigration of Llosa as “macho” is dead on the money. Man-hatred is de rigueur.Report
@Jim, is there even any other kind? Aren’t revolutionaries, at heart, usually bourgeois romantics with delusions of grandeur?Report
Oh, wow. Spiked and Johan Norberg. Two blasts from the past in one article. He’s right of course, but I’m instinctively suspicious of Spiked and its ex-revolutionary-communist clique of born-again libertarians and their truly extraordinary powers of self-publicity.Report
@Simon K, BAHAHAHAHA. An apt characterization. That said, I remain a Norberg apologist.Report
@Will, Oh, me too. I’m a fan. I’m just suspicious at the same time …Report