Monthly Archive: April 2010

After Starve the Beast

Conventional wisdom says that cutting taxes to restrain spending doesn’t work. Raising taxes has political problems of its own. Why not just cut spending? We’re probably going to have to do it sooner or...

Plato’s Republic (2): Women & Men

Plato’s ideal state is not a patriarchy. In a number of ways, it actively promotes a radical sort of equality between the sexes, in spite of Socrates’s insistence that the accomplishments of women will...

The Magnetar Trade

I’ll have some additional thoughts on the Goldman Sachs/SEC summed up in a post early next week, but in the meantime, a similar situation with another hedge fund is required reading.  A very indepth...

Science Fiction Friday

io9 lists the best science fiction novels for fantasy fans. I’m not familiar with any of these selections, but I’ll go ahead and recommend Jack Vance’s Tales of the Dying Earth, Gene Wolfe’s Book...

Bigotry Comes Out of the Closet

In some ways, I was happy to read this little piece of anti-gay bigotry on the American Family Association’s website regarding a hypothetical appointment of an openly gay Supreme Court justice.  At least it’s...

Crowdsourcing My Gravatar

You all know me pretty well by now. What should my Gravatar be? My favorite so far might be misunderstood as too confrontational.

A Pertinent Question

“[W]hich has been more of a problem: anti-government violence, or government violence?”  Via IOZ. [DISCLAIMER: This post not to be read as an endorsement of anti-government violence, just as a question about priorities.]

Strange Things Allegedly Believed by Others

“I see it’s ‘Dump on Libertarians Week’ again at Crooked Timber,” said the Stoic. “Indeed,” said the Cynic. “It appears to be a regular feature there.” “What is it this time?” asked the Stoic....

Hurting the musicians.

If you like music, this is really important. The architecture of online music distribution has been amazing for the consumer. With iTunes or Pandora or eMusic, the savvy listener can get just about whatever...

A few data points for Jonah Goldberg

Media criticism is often the last refuge of lazy bloggers, so I’ve tried manfully to avoid chiming in on the debate over “epistemic closure” and the conservative movement. But I can resist no longer;...

Through Thick and Thin

I’ve been working on a post on this subject all week, but for now I’d like to recommend John Holbo’s latest post identifying two particular strains of libertarianism and how that analysis relates to...

The economics of magic

I am perhaps four fifths of the way through the fourth of the Malazan books – House of Chains – and there is a moment in this book in which a character muses about...

How Do You Say Patriot Missile in Hebrew?

Andrew Tabler has an important (if possibly a little too alarmist) piece in Foreign Policy on the current machinations of Syria, Hezbollah, and Israel. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak sent officials in Damascus and...

Bum’s Rush on the Bayou

Dominique Homberger, biology professor, is one of those “tough” profs we’ve all had. She holds her students to a high standard because she says, “I believe in these students. They are capable.” What-ever, dude!...