Monthly Archive: April 2010

I remember this gimmick

Conor Friedersdorf’s valiant attempt to convert Levin fans irresistibly recalls The Guardian’s 2004 letter writing campaign to American voters. The American reaction (short version: “Suck it, Limeys!”) –  and some pretty solid research on...


If I’m not mistaken, legislation in New York that would automatically enroll people as organ donors with the option of opting-out later is an example of “libertarian paternalist” choice architecture. One of the authors...

The Deep Divide

Responding to the post by Br. Chris, I think Matt Taibbi has a point.  Tea Partiers and other small government types were opposed to the bailout and would like to see an end to crony capitalism and the marriage...

Millman’s Taxonomy ctd.

William summarizes Millman’s taxonomy (and doesn’t that roll off the tongue? You almost want to capitalize ‘taxonomy’: Millman’s Taxonomy – as if it were some well established thing…) thusly: liberal vs. conservative (attitudes toward...