Blond at Georgetown


Will writes from Washington, D.C. (well, Arlington, Virginia). You can reach him at willblogcorrespondence at gmail dot com.

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17 Responses

  1. Chris Dierkes says:

    I didn’t think this was muddled; I thought it was good.

    I would say Blond is really more in the tradition of republicanism (small ‘r’), historically called civic humanism or civic virtue. Sometimes (I think rather badly) called communitarianism. Also sometimes called left-wing conservatism. This strand of thought has basically lost out to all forms of liberalism:

    State liberalism: progressives/New Deal liberals
    Conservatives: corporate liberalism, anti-Welfare State liberalism
    Libertarianism: individual choice liberals, freedom as primary political motive liberals

    I’m reading Michael Sandel right now who makes many of the same arguments, so I’ll have more to say on that next week.Report

  2. North says:

    My humble exit answers:
    -Yes, definitly.
    -No not necessarily, or at least not necessarily the ones that society depends on to function.Report

  3. Chris Dierkes says:

    I’m not sure they traditions have to be “older’ per se. Then we might end up in social conservatism. But I do think minus some cultural practices, the individual valorization element of liberalism does need a counterweight in republican theory-practice. Absent it that it does isolate, marginalize, and alienate people from one another which in the end I think has deleterious consequences.Report

  4. Dan H. says:

    “Is liberal society, as Blond suggests, fundamentally dependent on older traditions, cultural practices, and civic institutions? Does radical individualism undermine these institutions?”

    I find the choice of language here interesting. Blond asks if a liberal society is “dependent on” older traditions and not if a liberal society is “the product of” older traditions. Blonds choice of phrasing here I think is key to understanding the foundation of all traditionalism. The older traditions here are completely static whereas the other phrasing implies that traditions are dynamic. Without knowing exactly what older traditions, cultural practices, and civic institutions he is speaking of one can’t really answer that question. If particulars were given I think we’d find that these traditions, practices, and institutions haven’t been as static as Blond’s phrasing suggests. If we make the leap from dependent on to evolved or developed from this claim looks like it could be accepted by anyone and essentially not saying anything at all.

    The next question is also interestingly phrased. Why radical individualism and not individualism? Is it only individualism in its most radical form that is a threat or individualism as such? If that difference is important what does it look like in the real world? It also seems to exclude the notion that individualism or radical individualism is not something that exists alongside but is in fact a product of these institutions. Why?Report

    • Will in reply to Dan H. says:

      Dan –

      Blond isn’t a collectivist, which is why he explicitly describes himself as a “classical liberal.” When he refers to “radical individualism,” he’s critiquing a society that views personal choice as the ultimate public good. But clearly, his vision of civil society leaves plenty of room for individual autonomy.Report

      • Dan H. in reply to Will says:


        Thanks for the clarification but I can’t help but see “radical individualism” as anything but a straw man. I mean where is the society that views personal choice as the ultimate public good? Where are the political philosophers advocating this as a guiding principle of policy?

        The whole thing reminds me of the crusade against “relativism”. It’s seems like a simple slight of hand designed to disparage those who disagree rather than a serious critique.Report

        • Will in reply to Dan H. says:

          I’m probably not doing justice to Blond’s critique, Dan. I’ll post the video when they put it up online. That might give you a better sense of what he’s talking about.Report

          • Jason Kuznicki in reply to Will says:

            I’m inclined to agree with Dan H. It’s a strawman I encounter all the time as a professional in the libertarian movement. Our choices are not limited, however, to “government” and “isolated individualism.” We’d say that there’s a third thing, civil society, that grows when government is small, and retreats when government is too large.

            Isolated individualism is a personal preference, but most people, and even most libertarians, don’t prefer it. It’s certainly not what we’re trying to establish as a movement.

            One criticism that might be less of a strawman is that our policy preferences will produce it unintentionally, which (may) be what David Brooks was getting at in his column. But David Brooks would blame libertarians if the sun failed to rise, so I’m not sure how seriously to take him here either.Report

            • Dan H. in reply to Jason Kuznicki says:

              I’m frustrated because I really want to take folks like Blond seriously but can’t with the kind of things Jason points out. The people who take a lot of the foundational issues of Blond seriously, and who do the most interesting work in political theory are guys like Cavanaugh (an Anarchist) and McCarraher (A Marxist). It’s no coincidence in my mind that they are both Catholic and both fierce critics of pluralism.

              The problem with these options however, is that they aren’t selling in the political marketplace so Blond attempts to synthesize them with liberalism. This puts him in the awkward position of trying to sell a package billed as a radical departure from liberalism without actually taking any radical stances. At best it comes off as a rhetorical exercise devoid of substance and at worse it comes off as a pitchman ignorant of his product and the competition. Lenin would have called it an infantile disorder and I think he’d be right.Report

  5. A.R.Yngve says:

    Civic virtue should be a given to anyone, regardless of political orientation.

    Having said that… I find my jaw dropping when I hear a new breed of Republicans openly declare their love for the philosophy of Ayn Rand — a person who obviously despises civic virtue in any form. I wonder, “Have these guys ever raised children? Or seen their own parents grow old and feeble?”
    What planet do they live on?

  6. Matthew Schmitz says:

    Great summary, Will. Thanks.Report

  7. Jason Kuznicki says:

    Both the political Left and political Right have embraced a philosophy of radical liberal individualism, which undermines civic virtue and communal solidarity by valorizing individual choice above all else. Consequently, our political system oscillates wildly between government encroachment and radical deregulation because political rights have become wholly contingent on our relationship to the state. Blond seeks to revitalize conservative politics by restoring what he terms classical liberalism, which emphasizes civic virtue, subsidiarity, and explicitly moral political goals that go beyond maximizing choice

    Say what? What he seems to be advocating is not classical liberalism, but classical republicanism, of the sort studied by J.G.A. Pocock, and exemplified by Machiavelli (at least in the Discourses) and Algernon Sidney.

    This is also somewhat different from what I had thought Red Toryism was, so I’m at least intrigued. But I am confused.Report

  8. E.D. Kain says:

    Great stuff, Will.Report

  9. Rufus says:

    Blond’s argument goes something like this: Both the political Left and political Right have embraced a philosophy of radical liberal individualism, which undermines civic virtue and communal solidarity by valorizing individual choice above all else. That philosophy is also the basis of the economy, right? I mean, I’ve definitely heard something like that philosophy expressed by the political parties. Also by every single advertisement I’ve ever seen. So even if one of the parties emphasized “civic virtue, subsidiarity, and explicitly moral political goals that go beyond maximizing choice”, would it really make any difference in terms of the culture?Report

  10. If you missed the lecture by Phillip Blond, it is now available in streaming audio here: If you attended, you know the lecture almost demands a second listen. 🙂 Find more about the Phillip Blond lecture and the Tocqueville Forum here: