Daily Archive: September 14, 2009

It usually begins with Ayn Rand

Jonathan Chait’s essay on Ayn Rand is worth a read. Given the rise of the tea party movement, his basic point – that Rand’s influence has led to an over-emphasis on a morally absolutist...

Chait on Rand

This essay from Jon Chait, on Ayn Rand and the continuing domination of the politics of taxation grievance on conservatism, is important and true. The essential takeaway, besides a thoroughly fair but damning discussion...

Inglourious Basterds (spoiler alert)

[updated again] (Read on only if you’ve seen the film or don’t intend to see it.  The post assumes the reader has also seen the movie.) Tyler Cowen didn’t like Tarantino’s latest: Tarantino made...

quote of the day

“So we’ve got beliefs P and Q. Let’s say Q is “obviously unreasonable” by virtue of beliefs R(1), R(2), R(3), and so forth, when taken as a set. Let’s leave aside considerations of individual...

no laughing matter

Christopher Hitchens takes a shot at Jon Stewart, Al Franken, and Stephen Colbert.  Too much of his piece relies on cherry-picking, if you ask me.

School reform in DC

Merit pay’s out, but teacher job security may still take a hit. Here’s The Washington Post on the final round of contract negotiations between DC and the teachers union (via):