Monthly Archive: June 2009

Maher Follow-up

Since I was pretty hard on Bill Maher last week for criticizing Obama without criticizing the Democrats (and Congress more generally), it’s only the (ordinary) gentlemenly thing to do to post this video of...

holbo v douthat

John Holbo takes on Ross Douthat’s review of Digital Barbarism: Douthat is laboring to give readers the impression that Helprin is in any sense holding the non-monkey higher ground, a proposition subject to grave...

Symmetrical Idiocy

I was going to take Michael Goldfarb to task for suggesting that Iran policy ought to be dictated by some anonymous student demonstrator, but then The Guardian published an entire op-ed inspired by little...

Poverty and Human Rights

Will Wilkinson has a fascinating post on whether some basic level of material well-being should be considered a human right. My gut response is that while we have some  moral obligation to alleviate poverty,...