Monthly Archive: June 2009

what about effects?

In light of the decision by the Supreme Court in the now-famous New Haven firefighters case– or, rather, the decision by our country’s ruling philosopher king, Anthony Kennedy– I think we need to pause...

Google’s Responsibility

Andrew Sullivan flags a noble-sounding quote from Google CEO Eric Schmidt: “The internet is the strongest force for individual self-expression ever invented. Governments around the world, even democratically elected, have difficulty with [the flow...

Daft Draft Analysis

The fact that teams frequently overvalue a player’s potential while devaluing actual production has been amply documented elsewhere, but I’m consistently baffled by sportswriters who exhibit the same tendency. Here, for example, is SI’s...

Waxman-Markey Day

Well, the wheelers and dealers on Capital Hill are voting on Waxman-Markey today.  Jim Manzi has been doing damn fine work on the subject lately, so browse his archives over at The American Scene...


“The religious right isn’t what’s wrong with the GOP. It’s the pervasive, unthinking, unreflective nationalism. It’s the arrogance of thrice-divorced adulterers reaching for the banner of traditional families, and it’s the arrogance of men...

another sanford quote

“The 2008 uprising of Birchers, hippies, and raw-milk enthusiasts that fueled Ron Paul’s quixotic bid for the White House was looking for a leader, and Sanford seemed to fit the bill. Now he’ll instead...

Queer Theory

PostRight is a neat group blog, but this latest entry has me baffled. The basic thesis seems to be that Jamie Kirchick is obsessed with Israel because he criticized the creepy anti-war group ANSWER...

Defending Soccer

Alex Massie does a capable job of smacking down this nonsensical critique of soccer. I’d only add that the structure of European football is one of the most inegalitarian in sport (see here and...

In search of realism

Given the recent uproar over this article defending the Iranian election results,* I think it’s important to distinguish between those of us who see a realistic, restrained foreign policy as the best way to...