Monthly Archive: May 2009

torture and terror

“The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to.”  ~F. Scott Fitzgerald Sleep deprivation, as Andrew notes, “can sound deceptively banal” compared to other torture techniques.  Of course, keeping...


I may not always agree with his politics, but you have to give the guy credit for style.  This is not your grandfather’s president.  When they talk about him being the first postmodern president...

Joe, the GI

So before Star Trek last night– which is great, by the way– they showed the preview for the upcoming GI Joe movie. This is an old riff of mine, but it’s worth blogging. The...

Quote of the Day

Br. Salam speaks the truth: Some of you are thinking, “Oh man, hipster twee. Spoon my brain out, please.” Well, you’re a bozo. You’re not necessarily a bozo. But seriously, don’t let your “contrarian”...

The Salad Bowl

Jonah Goldberg makes an odd claim in his latest column: The mainstream perception that conservatives are close-minded and dogmatic while liberals are open-minded and free-thinking has it almost exactly backward. Liberal dogma is settled:...