tech bleg


Freddie deBoer used to blog at, and may again someday. Now he blogs here.

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3 Responses

  1. Dave says:

    I’m not really sure but I think you can at least get a sense of the power from the comparable bench testing that gets done on sites like Anandtech, Tom’s Hardware of perhaps a few I don’t know of. In the absence of an explanation from a techie, that could help.

    I’m the same way about computers. I’ve never built the system myself but I’ve picked out the components and will never buy a pre-made. You save at least $1,000 with higher end parts.Report

  2. E.D. Kain says:

    Sometimes it’s simply because one chip was more cost effective to produce (smaller) and sometimes it’s because one can overclock a lot higher and they know they can charge more for it (i.e. the whole “extreme” thing) and sometimes it’s because prices simply haven’t caught up with reality (competition). I think, also, there’s the idea that people will pay a lot more for a very small performance gain…

    …but I’m rusty on all of this. I built a bunch of pc’s a while back, including my own, spent WAY too much money, and I now I avoid NewEgg like the plague…Report

  3. Joel says:

    I’ve found that the Pentium Duo processors are fine for most applications, as the Core 2 duos are significantly more expensive for marginal performance benefits (at best).

    I built a cheap mid-end entertainment center from a Shuttle K45 (now discontinued). This required accepting an integrated graphics card and only one PCI port, but the thing is tiny, takes 70 watts to run and I don’t play video games.Report