How Tan Was My MRAP
With police accountability very much in question, the easy and flippant lip service of “at no cost” and “find a way to use it” are grossly irresponsible
With police accountability very much in question, the easy and flippant lip service of “at no cost” and “find a way to use it” are grossly irresponsible
All human plans are provisional and the rules change every day. I say we keep gardening.
Neither of those is literally what anyone wants to have happen, but they fit on a protest sign and can be chanted during a march. So what are the details?
If you went to bed early, you might have missed Milkshake-Gate bringing all the internet folks to the social media yard.
Whenever people wonder whatever happened to that beloved star of yesteryear, Bryan O’Nolan investigates.
And as is so often the case it will be the marginalized people who will pay the highest price, who already are paying the price
It’s too horrible to say any of this so baldly, so we find nice ways to phrase it. But that does us no good, recoiling into a cozy bed of euphemisms.
I don’t care if you’re conservative, liberal, or otherwise, a media blackout on critically important news is concerning. Deeply concerning.
Before you protest the removal of Confederate monuments, ask yourself if you know why they were erected in the first place?
Control of the virus is not because of lockdown orders or hashtags. It’s because the public demonstrated astonishing trust in public health experts.
That depends on a few things: What did you think and do then, what do you think and do now, and what has changed in the meantime.
The news that Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison elevated the charge against Derek Chauvin to second degree murder for the death of George Floyd brought mixed reactions. For some it was satisfactory; for others...
However bad you think that video was, the facts coming out of the preliminary hearing for the McMichael’s charged with killing Ahmaud Arbery are worse
Somewhere along the way, Qualified Immunity was twisted to shield officers from consequences of actions no one can argue were ambiguous in wrongness.
The ideal of “inalienable rights” has too often been changed to “meritorious rights” by flawed people adding “they have rights, but…”
Stories from 1992 and 2020: We’re not “bad” people. But we’re not as good as we pretend, and we’re not holding ourselves to account.
The Republican Senator from Maine hasn’t covered herself in glory recently, but her accomplishments should be remembered as much as her downfall.
Don’t let police and their supports deflect from the death of George Floyd.
People are going to die, and there is going to be economic pain. The final numbers of both are what has been, and still is being, negotiated.