Series! Recap of World Series of the 1930s
I had such a good time putting together the recent recap of 2020s World Series, I decided to travel backwards in time to the 1930s.
I had such a good time putting together the recent recap of 2020s World Series, I decided to travel backwards in time to the 1930s.
It’s time for our quinquennial recap of recent World Series.
Among other things, how a proposed name for Colorado ended up the name of another state.
We might be trapped in history, and history in us, but Linky Friday is here with stories from across the web to read, share, and discuss
The years-long effort to remove the visage of Nathan Bedford Forrest from Memphis is progressing in fact, if not fully in spirit.
No, promoting vaccinations are not in “violation of the Nuremberg codes”. And I thought the willy-nilly invocation of HIPAA was bad.
I realize this must sound like I’m reading the script of American Graffiti, but this truly was my life as an adolescent.
Holiday memories force me to face my own mortality and reflect on my perspective of coming of age in a previous century.
We cannot and should not, ever allow “history is repeating itself” to mess with our heads. History cannot repeat itself in the strictest sense of the word.
The Victory Garden program created some interesting side effects, making gardening and canning hobbies many Americans continue to pursue
Have you ever put on an album and it absolutely blew your mind? That is a basically what happened to me when I first heard this week’s Saturday Spin. Last week, I discussed Ryan...
With microbes on our minds, it’s time to talk about one of the gravest threats soldiers in WWII faced — the threat of disease. Military leaders have long known that disease poses an even...
Since baseball in present time is on hold for the duration, let’s resume our travels through its past. We began post-WWII and proceeded through the Nationals’ first championship in 2019
Even before Pearl Harbor, Life Magazine answered the question “What can I do to help the war effort?” with a single word: “Knit.”
I began to wonder, could that ancient diagnosis of hysteria really just be anemia mixed with a distrust of women’s sexuality?
Over at The Atlantic, Adam Serwer wades into the debate, and pushback, regarding The New York Times Magazine’s “1619 Project” issue. What say you?
The past isn’t ever really past, and ghosts don’t ever die. So instead of avoiding them or feeling bad, maybe try confronting them a little bit?
As long as this great experiment in a free people self governing is to continue, it is good and proper to reflect on those Americans who carried the load when it mattered the most
The 2010s are the first decade since the 1910s where the Yankees didn’t win a pennant.