Tagged: 2016 Election
What’s The Matter With Hillary Clinton?
Her public image is the worst of any losing presidential candidate since at least Gerald Ford.
Nobody Won 2016 Election in a Landslide
True, Hillary Clinton received roughly 2.9 million more votes that Trump. But she didn’t get the most votes either.
Nobody did. Nobody also won the electoral college in a landslide.
How White Working Class Culture Shaped American Politics
Saul DeGraw offers up some blunt talk to those who say that’s what they want from their leaders.
Trump Won Because of Pokémon
It’s abundantly clear that the Nintendo property is responsible for Trump’s victory, if you just believe everything I say.
Alexandra King — Muslim woman: I’m one of Trump’s “silent voters”
It turns out people are complex and no group is monolithic.
The MMA of Electoral Fraud
An intellectual experiment. Let’s play the role of electoral fraudster. Come, and conspire for a moment, and let us see whether we might realize benefit from subverting the integrity of American democracy.
…And whether we’ve now been presented with evidence that this is actually happening.
The Myth of the Press’s Anti-Trump October Surprise
Those who claim the press have been conspiring to sit on stories about Donald Trump haven’t been paying attention to the press.
Safe Spaces
Does telling someone that his running mate is a complete dirtbag require a trigger warning?
Journalism vs. Trumpism: On Playing the Gentleman’s Game
This week, the Washington Post’s Charles Lane insisted that the media has done its job this election. He’s wrong.
Switching Horses Midstream
An assessment of executive managerial skills put on display for the nation to see.
538: Clinton And Trump Are Both Promising An Extreme Supreme Court
Elections, it turns out, have consequences.
NYT: Donald Trump Encourages Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails
The man really is Richard Nixon, and he wants Vladimir Putin to be his G. Gordon Liddy.
In Defense of Trump’s Voters
I can’t support the candidacy of Donald Trump, but I can defend his voters.
The Limits of Enthusiasm: Iowa 2016
Iowa demonstrates that the Trump electoral strategy is not going to work, that Bernie has a long way to go if he wants to beat HRC, and that Marco Rubio may in fact have a chance against Ted Cruz.