President Trump Uses Veto on National Defense Authorization Act
Citing FCC “Section 230” repel & changing of Confederate-named facilities among other reasons, President Trump vetoed the NDAA:
Citing FCC “Section 230” repel & changing of Confederate-named facilities among other reasons, President Trump vetoed the NDAA:
Now, you didn’t think President Trump was just going to get all normal and sign the covid relief/omnibus spending package, did you?
“Congressional leaders have hashed out a massive, year-end catchall bill that combines $900 billion in COVID-19 aid with a $1.4 trillion omnibus spending bill”
In the case of the coronavirus, the government was buying businesses’ compliance with a quarantine, in order to save lives.
Rise against the unworthy schemers who, far from wanting law and order and freedom, only use such words to entice others into subjugation.
The president may have thrown his lawyer, Sidney Powell, under the bus but Michael Flynn himself has his long-rumored presidential pardon:
Many will be disappointed, but history tells us exactly what President Trump will do from here on out. And it doesn’t end in a bang.
The “massive election fraud” case has been heard, both in court and by the American people, and been found wanting. Laughably wanting.
Cybersecurity conferences were a huge racket. I am not implying anything nefarious or illegal: it was just a very profitable business model.
People like Josh Hawley know what the end result of what they propose to do will be. Malice is the only word for it.
Who needs malice by the IRS when some good, old fashioned bureaucratic indolence can do the job just as ruthlessly.
After the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I no longer worry about the future. Now, I fear it.
The key to successful government policy is through perverse incentive mitigation, usually through the Law of Unintended Consequences.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, JK Rowland and Ellen, college football cancelling, unemployment debate, and rehashing 2000 election in Linky Friday
This reluctance to condemn, this refusal to delineate between protesting and rioting, bears responsibility for what happened in Chicago last night
When the George Floyd incident first happened, you could almost feel where this was going. With the release of the bodycam footage, here we are.
Cutting US Postal Service hours and services for cities that are overwhelmed by mail only makes sense if your purpose is partisan.
It is bizarre, rambling, and will be creating conversation and memes for at least the next few hours. Here is the Axios interview between Jonathan Swan and President Donald Trump.
There is no moral equivalency between the United States government and China’s government. But how do we package those differences in a convincing manner?
The problem with the idea of executive orders left untouchable by future executive orders.