Linky Friday: Space Congresscritters
This week: Space, Family, Health, Transportation, Creatures, and Government!
This week: Space, Family, Health, Transportation, Creatures, and Government!
Why Finland? Because I got a lot of respect for Finland. Lots of the feel-good social democracy stuff of their neighbors, but still have a tradition of not taking crap from the communists next door. And everyone goes about with a puukko. I catch flak from people who freak out I carry a folding pocket knife everywhere I go.
Tech Tuesday starts in two weeks, not two days ago, as expected, because Will & I have lives.
Just finished a two day Hackathon, and this will be the last Tech Thursday, since we are moving it to Tuesday (where, let’s be honest, it rightfully belongs – Tech Tuesday just reads better).
This week: Body, Mind, Education, Science, Gender, and Religion!
This week: Government, Family, Media, Transportation, and Politics
For about 36 hours this week, it looked like we were relocating to Alaska. This week: Home, School, Work, Earth, and Space.
I’m in Hawaii on vacation, but I still wanted you all to have something.