Re-Open the Asylums: A New Take
It is imperative that we balance compassion with realism and public safety. We must talk about crime, addiction, illness and everything else.
It is imperative that we balance compassion with realism and public safety. We must talk about crime, addiction, illness and everything else.
Playing well to a base or not, the “repeal and replace” rhetoric was an empty lie ten years ago and is a more blatant, hollow promise now.
If Republicans want to talk about messing with Obamacare, they would be well advised to construct a plan that at least sounds palatable
The story of an out of control heart, and trying to verify which ER I could go to that wouldn’t risk financially breaking us.
You don’t have to be pro-abortion to oppose the restrictive intrusion that anti-”trafficking” laws impose on individuals and their right to travel.
How we ended up on Medicaid — and how it almost sent us to financial ruin.
We opened up the packet and looked at the Miracle Berry tablets. “Is this illegal?”, we joked. “It feels like we’re doing something illegal.”
A nasal spray version of the standard opioid overdose treatment Narcan for OTC and nonprescription use has been approved by the FDA.
We don’t know the full story about Damar Hamlin’s tragic collapse, but there is no evidence that it was related to a COVID-19 vaccine.
As promised, President Biden has issued an executive on concerning abortion post-Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade.
Painkillers…what a stupid term for medically trying to trick your brain into thinking something that is not is so.
The over-use of mental illness as an excuse for poor behavior among rich and increasingly middle class whites is not admirable.
The use of ESDs at the will of a third party on individuals with impaired cognitive comes across as barbaric and inhumane
The Biden Administration is expected to push for vaccinated folks to get boosters in an effort to deal with surging Covid-19 numbers.
A Federal Judge has issued a preliminary injunction against Florida “Vaccine Passport Ban” setting the stage for a prolonged legal wrangling over the hot button issue.
Social media and television have magnified the anti-vaxers and have distorted who makes up the unvaccinated
I will be clear that Aduhelm is not a cure, and there is no evidence that it halts the march of Alzheimer’s disease.
No, promoting vaccinations are not in “violation of the Nuremberg codes”. And I thought the willy-nilly invocation of HIPAA was bad.
I was wrong. I thought I’d heard every West Virginia joke there is. But then the drug companies decided to make bank off the “pillbillies”.
With the Covid vaccine numbers going up, and unused doses starting to become an issue, questions are being asked of the Biden Administration