POETS Day! Comparing Apples and Rossettis
As best I can tell, this is the entirety of an unfinished poem written between 1869 and 1886 by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
As best I can tell, this is the entirety of an unfinished poem written between 1869 and 1886 by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
They put effort into the sets, they put effort into the dialog, they put effort into the casting…I’m shocked. Fallout the show is good.
Global Communication, along with a slew of other aliases, was the brainchild of English duo Tom Middleton and Mark Pritchard.
Since 1989, The Simpsons has entertained us with pop culture moments. These are my ten favourite episodes featuring the yellow family.
The professional grifter class has added another stack to the media “misinformation” Matryoshka doll, and news media isn’t handling it well.
We should take it as a generational mission to rebel against rebellion for its own sake and eagerly embrace bourgeois, not bohemian, values.
Did a patch nerf all of the monsters?
So, the summer movie season has begun… With a whimper. I saw 14 in theaters, as well as nine otherwise, for a total of 23 reviews
After a crazy four years of weird pandemic stuff, we’re still finding little things to claw back.
I can’t imagine anything more irrational than, when assured of eternal damnation, acting to immanentize that fate.
Take any franchise and make it “safe” for general audiences, which will inevitably lose the hardcore fans of said franchise.
The 80s was rich with pop culture, so I start with my favourite films from the decade that gave us Madonna, shoulder pads and Yuppies.
At some point, for reasons no one can explain and few would even attempt to devine, the lead singer for a metal band barked. Barked like a dog.
If you have been having trouble getting in your steps, Pikmin Bloom can help. It helped me, anyway.
It’s a great word so I wouldn’t blame her, but more time was spent on transcendental chapters of that text than any of the novels on the syllabus.
we found a La-Z-Boy that Maribou said felt exactly like Dad’s old chair did. And we found that it was part of a set of two identical chairs…full circle.
The time of artificial intelligence has arrived and only the timeless education of the liberal arts can face it.
The Cannes Film Festival has come and gone, providing us with a little bit more of a clearer picture on Oscars Projections
“Waterloo:” a premise so inane as to be borderline stupid, an uncredited musical lifting of a chorus, and a smash hit.
Apparently, the DLC is *HUGE*. “Bigger than Caelid” is one of the reports that I saw.