Author: Vikram Bath
FACT CHECK: Fact checking is bunk
Fact checking, as practiced today, falls wildly short of its ideals
The Heroic Knight in the Wife of Bath’s Tale
The Wife of Bath’s Tale shows how desperate readers are for a hero and what we are willing to forgive or ignore to get one
The Trade and Immigration Views of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are Basically Trump’s
I hope the future of the Democratic party looks more like this than like a nicer, kinder rehash of Trump’s broken agenda.
Stephen Moore Must Not be Confirmed
Stephen Moore is a political operative who happened to get some sort of economics degree from somewhere.
The Journalists Have Been Hacked
Journalism’s current standards for determining what is publishable are brittle and subject to manipulation by malicious actors.
The Democratic Party Was Not Always This Way
The civil rights party realignment didn’t really happen until 2008.
I Took Two Courses on Coursera. Here’s What Happened.
Coursera is a great way to learn, but unreliable as a credential for someone’s learning.
Faux Diversity in Recruiting
Vikram offers free advice to a corporation that knowingly laundered money for terrorists on how they can better diversify their workforce
What Does it Mean that Elizabeth Warren has a Native American Ancestor?
What is a race of people made of?
Donald Trump Effectively Owns the New York Times
Donald Trump figured out the cheat code to get the New York Times to believe anything.
The Republican Party Was Not Always This Way
NYT (1995): “Clinton Embraces a Proposal To Cut Immigration by a Third”
The Fighting Movie is Dead
Modern action movies lack the attention to detail paid by Jackie Chan and his contemporaries
I saw my daughter’s first school play, and it was awful.
The worst theatrical experience I’ve ever had