Late Movie Reviews: The One I Love
Author’s note: I am going to attempt my hand at writing movie reviews. As the title suggests, these are not necessarily going to be reviews for current movies. My first review is for The One I Love. The movie received a very small release this summer and is currently streamable on netflix.
What would you do if you were confronted with the platonic ideal version of your lover? A lover who is always in the Honeymoon stage, always eager to impress, can assert him or herself while being simultaneously charming and witty, etc…
This is the question that The One I Love attempts to answer. Mark Duplass and Elizabeth Moss play Ethan and Sophie, a young couple whose marriage is on the rocks and the verge of disintegration. They are both trying earnestly to save their marriage but therapy is not going well. Their therapist (an extremely short cameo by Ted Danson) has a Hail Mary up his sleeve. His fishes out a brochure for a getaway retreat and urges Ethan and Sophie to spend a weekend at the place. He says that couples have always come back renewed from their getaway.
Most of the rest of the movie takes place at the retreat. The retreat itself is a wonder of California beauty (I think it was filmed in Ojai). There is a main house, a coop with recording equipment and an ipad filled with testimony by happy couples, and a guest house.
The retreat seems to be going well at first. Ethan and Sophie have dinner, flirt over some wine, smoke pot, and then Sophie goes exploring as Ethan does the dishes. She enters the guest house and sees Ethan and they have sex. Or do they?
The guesthouse is not what it seems. After some arguments and misunderstandings, the audience finds out that the guest house has a magical realism quality. Ethan and Sophie can’t enter be in the guest house at the same time. Only one of them can enter at any given time. When in the guesthouse, they are met by an ideal version of their spouse. I will call these two Ideal Ethan and Ideal Sophie. Ideal Ethan constantly does pushups, paints, makes drinks, doesn’t wear glasses, and is in constant charm mode. Ideal Sophie is girly, flirty, prefers to wear summer dresses over comfortable yoga stretch pants, and makes bacon for breakfast. Real Sophie apparently hated when Ethan ate bacon for breakfast. Ideal Ethan and Ideal Sophie exist only in the guesthouse.
Needless to say that one of the real couple is absolutely enthralled by the presence of the Ideal and the other is less than enthused. One wants to spend as much time as possible with the Ideal and the other finds the experience distressing and freaky.
The movie is quick-paced, well-written, and well-acted especially by Elizabeth Moss. The problem with the intriguing premise is that it distracts from the issues and drama facing the couple and eventually cause the movie to sink under itself. The investigation into who or what Ideal Sophie and Ideal Ethan are always ends up raising more question than it answers and this distracts from the issues involving Ethan and Sophie as a romantic couple with a dissolving marriage. This makes it hard to tell whether the audience is supposed to be watching a longer episode of the Twilight Zone or thinking about the question I posed in the first paragraph. This is a general problem with failed magical realism or a movie that introduces some science fiction elements into an otherwise real-world setting. There is no indication of advanced technology in the world of The One I Love. The computer seen is a Mac, the phones are Iphones, and the car is also very real. So what are Ideal Ethan and Ideal Sophie? They are obviously very real but where did they come from? Are they Stepfordesque androids? I’d write more but it would be spoilers.
That said the movie is still worth watching and is a brisk 90 minutes long (if only so I can discuss it with people.) I am glad that movies like this are being made because even with the slight science fiction elements, it is still essentially a small character ensemble piece.
Perhaps on a related note, I finally got around to watching Her, which touches on a rather similar issue. Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) is still reeling from his wife leaving him, and falls in love with a sophisticated artificial intelligence named “Samantha” resident on his personal computer. It seems only natural that he would, in a sense, because she was literally made for him and heuristically adapts to his behaviors and statements.
Fvapr fur vf n pbzchgre, Fnznagun vagrenpgf, pbzzhavpngrf, naq yrneaf zhpu snfgre guna n uhzna. Fur nyfb zngherf naq punatrf nf na vagryyvtrapr zhpu snfgre guna n uhzna naq bayl n srj jrrxf nsgre snyyvat va ybir jvgu Gurbqber oernxf hc jvgu uvz orpnhfr fur srryf fur unf tebja gb n cbvag fur pna ab ybatre orarsvg sebz gurve eryngvbafuvc.
So rather like what’s being described here, both movies allow someone to explore an idealized version of a mate. And in both movies, and yet another movie I’ve seen recently and can in good faith recommend to readers here, Force Majeure, gur pber bs gur pbasyvpg pbzrf sebz univat gb fgrc njnl sebz na vqrny gb pbasebag na bsgra yrff-guna-vqrny ernyvgl.Report
I also saw Force Majeure and can recommend it.
Though that movie also has an opaque ending. Burt,
Gur jvsr sernxvat bhg ba gur ohf ng gur raq jnf fvzvyne gb ure uhfonaq ehaavat yvxr n pbjneq sebz gur sbeprq ninynapur. Jnf fur nyfb guvaxvat nobhg urefrys naq abg nobhg ure snzvyl? Ner jr fhccbfrq gb frr ure nf fvzvyne gb ure uhfonaq?Report
V guvax jr ner fhccbfrq gb frr ure pbasebag ure bja vzcresrpgvbaf gur jnl fur fcrag zbfg bs gur zbivr pbasebagvat ure uhfonaq’f. Senaxyl, V gubhtug gur jubyr “ybbx, fur sernxrq bhg gbb” pbaprcg jnf n ovg gbb gnhg naq Ubyyljbbq naq jnf gur ovttrfg synj va na bgurejvfr rssrpgvir zbivr.Report
Qvq lbh guvax gur uhfonaq jnf snxvat vg jura ur unq uvf oernxqbja?
Zl snibevgr fprar jnf ng gur raq jura gur uhfonaq “erfphrf” gur jvsr ohg fur jnf noyr gb fgnaq hc svar naq rnfl….Report
V guvax gur uhfonaq jnf unys snxvat vg jura ur unq uvf oernxqbja — ur fgnegrq bhg jnagvat gb znxr n fubj bs ubj hcfrg ur jnf, ohg nybat gur jnl, V guvax uvf bja jbeqf ortna gb qvfgheo uvz. Ur qvqa’g furq grnef jura ur pevrq. Ohg ur qvq ybbx funxra ol gur raq bs vg.
V svtherq gur “erfphr” jnf fgntrq sbe gur orarsvg bs gur xvqf. Ab, jr’er abg trggvat qvibeprq, naq ab, qnq vfa’g n gbgny vapbzcrgrag pbjneq. Frr? Ur jrag onpx va gur juvgrbhg gb erfphr zbz, naq frr ubj tengrshy fur vf? Frr? Frr?!?Report
Fb lbh guvax gur zbz jnf va ba vg!? Gung’f na vagrerfgvat vagrecergngvba….Report
Lrnu, V guvax fur’q sbetvira uvz sbe uvf snvyher, ng yrnfg rabhtu, jura ur pnzr nebhaq gb nqzvggvat gung lrf, ur’q npghnyyl eha njnl. Fb fur jnfa’g tbvat gb yrnir uvz, nygubhtu fur erfcrpgrq uvz yrff. Gung’f jul V guvax gur cng raqvat jnf gurer — gur ybff bs erfcrpg jnf boivbhfyl tbvat gb rebqr gurve eryngvbafuvc, fb vg arrqrq gb fbzrubj or rdhnyvmrq. Naq gung’f jul V gubhtug vg jnf fhpu n cng, Ubyyljbbql raqvat, orpnhfr erny yvsr fb bsgra snyyf fubeg bs gur Vzcrengvirf bs Qenzngvp Pybfher.Report
Agreed or as they also say:
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagnReport
Well, I happen to like both Moss and Duplass, so I will watch it at some point, especially as I tend to like smaller movies like this.
That said, I have come across the problem that you describe before, wherein an author used a work of fiction to focus in on a facet of life or history, but the point of reference used is something that I found super distracting. Slaughterhouse Five was one that I always had problems with, as I felt that he had an immensely powerful story of war and then screwed it up with an asinine SF tale. Now, I first read that when I was in junior high, and every time I have reread it I get the same feeling.Report
I honestly did not think of the SF aspects unless they were in investigation mode and then it raised all sorts of questions including the possibility that Ted Danson’s character was from an advanced civilization and was stuck on earth and decided to do anthropological and psychological experiments on humans by disguising himself as a marriage counselor.
There was (SPOILER):
Bar bs gur vqrny irefvbaf gevrf gb rfpncr naq znxrf n eha sbe vg naq uvgf n sbeprsvryq. Guvf tbg zr gb guvax jul gur shpx vf gurer n sbeprsvryq va guvf jbeyq?Report