Monthly Archive: November 2014
Year of the Scavenger, Season of the Bitch
Saul DeGraw thinks artists are too stuck in shock for the sake of shock. On the contrary, Jerry Saltz thinks the art world has become too conservative and easily-offended for the sake of taking offense. Who is right? Who will prevail?
A Meathead Watches Gilmore Girls (“Christopher Returns” and “Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers”)
Notes The first season hasn’t been going as well as I’d hoped. I keep thinking things are going to get better but… “Christopher Returns” Although he has barely been mentioned, Rory’s father Christopher returned...
It’s not really a recipe and it’s not really a photo essay, but watch as Jonathan makes some brussel sprouts.
Liberals, Leftists, Violence, and Justice
Saul Degraw critiques violent protests that happened on Black Friday
aaron david declares “Bah Humbug!” to our foodie celebration, and lists off his reasons for being an “unfoodie.”
The Art of Pizza, Chapter One: Dough
Guest writer Kimmi shares the secret to making your own fresh pizza dough.
Linky Friday #92
Reg’lar Linky Friday Returns with… America, Europe, History, Family, Energy, Politics, and Video!
Christmas comes early to the Montauk Catamaran Company boat shop.
A lot to be thankful for, and something to look forward to!
Holy cow! Is it Thanksgiving already?
A couple of Thanksgiving rock songs and a Thanksgiving weekend open thread.
Comment Rescue: Immigration Motivations
In Gabriel Conroy’s immigration post, Patrick Duffy had a corker.
Whyfor Smitten?
Guest writer knittingniki wonders aloud why she’s so addicted to her favorite cooking blog.
Greed Is Not Good, Part II: Divest From Coke
Part two of Robert Greer’s look at the darker side of the food industry.