A League App for iPhone and Android?
Any ideas on how the League should go about developing (or contracting out the development of) an app for iPhone/iPad/Android, etc.?
by Erik Kain · November 7, 2011
Erik Kain
Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.
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Dude, I have only recently figured out how to make italics.Report
How would an app be different from just visiting the site?Report
Do you visit the site from a phone ever? Phones do lots of things PC’s don’t do, like go dark after a minute or so. Commenting is tricky. The interface requires lots of zooming and un-zooming. Apps make the touch-screen, mobile/tablet experience much more robust and useful.Report
Well, we’re using the wordpress engine, so there should be a pretty easily mungible phone client out there already somewhere.Report
I’m asking around, but I do not generally travel in the right circles for this kind of thing.Report
Does this help: http://www.appsgeyser.com/blog/2011/08/03/how-to-create-an-app-for-a-wordpress-blog-using-the-new-plugin-%E2%80%93-step-by-step/ If you google “How to make an app for your wordpress blog,” you will find a bunch of potentially relevant info.Report
How about this app? Seems like it’s ready to go, but I don’t have an iphone and never update my own wordpress anymore. 🙁Report
I dwell in the shadows and just watch you all, waiting for the right moment to strike, and it would appear as if that moment has come.
There is a misconception about mobile applications. They are not for everyone. If you are a content based web site and are trying to optimize your experience to convenient mobile visitors you are looking at ways to convert your layout to a cross-platform friendly “responsive” one, rather than developing an application.
More on responsive layouts: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/responsive-web-design/
Good news is that this requires significantly less work; and anyone familiar with CSS3 Media Queries should be able to lend a helping hand.
Dude, that was totally Batman!Report
Hate to see you abandon this idea so quickly. I decided to dedicate a part of my Saturday night to the improvement of the League experience (no life, I know.) So, you want to know how to make the League website mobile friendly in 10 minutes or less?
Test it out by doing that thing where you grab and drag the edge of you browser left and right, or tap the link from your phone. It should be noted that this is purely for demonstrative purposes and you would be crazy to something sloppy like this. Now, you can add another 15 lines of code for tablet computers ( . . .)Report