Stan Lee 1922-2018

Kristin Devine

Kristin has humbly retired as Ordinary Times' friendly neighborhood political whipping girl to focus on culture and gender issues. She lives in a wildlife refuge in rural Washington state with too many children and way too many animals. There's also a blog which most people would very much disapprove of

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18 Responses

  1. There are so many of us out there, dreamers with one foot in this world and one in a universe that exists only inside our heads, who, like Stan Lee, have stories and characters that well up inside of us and we just don’t have enough hours in the day to get them down.

    Boy, does that hit home.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    The end of an era. The last of the big three.

    It was two months between the death of Hugh Hefner and the start of #metoo. I know in my head that those two things aren’t particularly related but, in my gut, I wonder if there isn’t something that will follow the death of Stan Lee…

    Thank you for writing this.Report

  3. My pleasure, thanks for reading.Report

  4. Doctor Jay says:

    Unlike you, I first came in contact with Lee’s work as a kid. For some reason, there was an issue of Fantastic Four hanging around my room. I don’t remember buying it, though I remember being taken to the drug store in Ferndale and seeing the circular racks of comics, which cost 10 cents for a regular issue and 25 cents for the super thick special editions.

    I mostly leaned toward DC in those days, between Superman, Supergirl and Batman. So I’m not sure where this issue of FF came from, maybe I bought it? Maybe Mom did (she loved Mad Magazine for sure).

    It was disorienting. They squabbled, and made bad choices. Dr. Doom was a villain, but he sort of had a point, too. And it was in New York, not Metropolis. I wasn’t sure I liked it. (I was 8 years old).

    But then there was Spiderman. Who didn’t love Peter Parker? And it was kind of cool that things didn’t always go his way in his private life, that made him more of a hero. I was older, but I was on board.

    I loved this piece.Report

    • atomickristin in reply to Doctor Jay says:

      Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

      I like DC too. Starting off I was 100% Team Marvel but I’ve come to appreciate them both now.
      The differences between them, I’ve learned from as a writer. Even just setting one in the real world and one in a fictional (sort of) world, as a reader it makes you feel things and experience them each differently. It’s interesting how much you really do take away from comics as an art form.Report

    • LeeEsq in reply to Doctor Jay says:

      DC and Marvel took different approaches to the Comics Code during the Silver Age. DC lived with it and generally kept things safe as possible. Marvel thought how to get around it and what was the maximum they could get away with in the system.Report

  5. CJColucci says:

    I have often said, in complete, literal seriousness, that Stan Lee was the most influential moral philosopher of our time.Report

  6. LeeEsq says:

    On another blog, a poster remarked that Stan Lee’s genius was that if take horror comic characters, put them in brightly colored pajamas, and remember to exclude skeletons, the censors will leave you alone.Report

  7. bookdragon says:

    I nearly missed this in being offline a few days but I’m glad I saw it now. Beautiful tribute – it really strikes home and expresses how I feel about him and his passing far better than I could have done.Report

  8. Yeah as a creator it was more Jack Kirby than Steve Ditko who provided the material for Stan to give voice to.

    Lee was a great marketer, both of himself and the medium. Kirby gave him the material to work with.Report