Fantasy Football: Week 3 (and Football Season open thread)
In which Miss Mary gets more than 200 freakin’ points.
In which Miss Mary gets more than 200 freakin’ points.
A Fox interview is a great example of why one GOP candidate could really beat Hilary in a general AND why the GOP will never allow him to try.
Popehat and the Market Solution, something completely unnecessary for something blow way out of proportion.
For those who are into such things: the story of how I decided to murder my mother, told live.
An aggressive foreign policy necessarily leads to being in bed with ugly partners (as I see it).
Carly Fiorina may be a political novice, but she doesn’t campaign like it.
On Twitter, Gentleperson Emeritus Elizabeth Picciuto pointed out that “1995 has no business being 20 years ago.” So I googled the pop culture events of 1995.
Undisclosed ingredients in dietary supplements are not a good thing, and it’s one of many problems with that industry. However, Dave is especially troubled by the discovery of DNP in a supplement that has nothing to do with weight loss.
Muse, rhyme of the beef of the son of Peleus that piled mad grief all up on the Achaeans
and spurred to Perdition the souls of real gangstas, yo, and for bitches an’ crows they made banquets.