Monthly Archive: September 2014
Harvest Time for Literary Fiction
Goodbye light summer brain candy. Hello meaty, wonderful prose with depth.
by Tod Kelly
But I Fear
Burt Likko is mildly surprised that the political response didn’t include confiscation of law-abiding citizens’ hunting rifles and imposition of an abortion quota.
T1 – 003: Two Cadaver
by Christopher Carr, the second part of a series on the dissection of human cadavers
We (almost) never see dolphins.
We almost never see dolphins, but we saw some on yesterday’s afternoon outing!
The Dissected Frog: or, Man walks into a bar, offends everyone…
What responsibility does humor have to be unoffensive?
Haters, start your engines!
by Tod Kelly
Are women turning to Prostitution to Pay for College?
The Atlantic tells us that there is an epidemic of young women paying for college with Prostitution. Saul Degraw wonders whether this is true or not and about the implications of legalization.
The Photoshop Lawyer
Another bar discipline report leaves Burt Likko reeling in slackjawed amazement.
Jaybird cleans out the downstairs closet, visits his nephews, and goes to the Vintage Clothing store.
Obamacare Yay, Democratic Party Nay: The Way Forward in a Big Country
Kentucky is one of the few red states to have their own healthcare exchange and medicaid expansion, thanks to their Democratic Governor, Steve Beshear (disclaimer and potential nom de plum destroyer: I went to...
Did the Police in Ferguson Lie on Day 1?
This seems pretty hard to argue with. Does anyone here have the ability or interest to check his work? Via Jamelle Bouie’s (@jbouie) Twitter account. UPDATE: See Chris’ comment below for some significant clarification.
Good Intentions, Bad Law?
This fall, Washington state voters will decide on two ballot initiatives that look to curb gun violence. But even if they pass, argues Mad Rocket Scientist, they probably won’t succeed.