Monthly Archive: May 2014
In Which the Left Joins the War On Women
How am I supposed to take the Left’s War On Women concerns seriously when they continue to get history’s most famous case of sexual harassment so terribly wrong?
This morning the Executive VP of Comcast was grilled in a Congressional hearing by a leading House member over his alleged role in a conspiracy to force a Sharia Law takeover of the United States.
I am not making this up.
When the Innocent Plead Guilty
Prison isn’t just our favorite punishment. It’s also how our justice system determines the truth.
Just Do It.
In the six months Mon Tiki and I have been away from home I’ve had about a dozen people express strong interest in sailing with me on Mon Tiki, but most of them flaked. Here’s what I notice…
Linky Friday #68
Links! Click on them and go places! This week: College, Labor, Entertainment, Japan, and America!
No, Neal DeGrasse Tyson is not a “Philistine”
The Week’s Damon Linker calls Neal DeGrasse Tyson a “Philistine.” I in turn call The Week’s Damon Linker a troll.
Vox Fails at Explaining the Drone Arsenal Race
A Vox story on America’s drone arsenal has some more explaining to do.
How to tell your company has completely screwed up its branding
Your website requires a graphic like this:
Adventures in Education: Major Fail Edition.
A school district in the Greater Los Angeles area recently came under fire for asking 8th graders whether they think the Holocaust “was actually a political event, or merely a political scheme.” Here is...