This Is How the Zombie Apocalypse Starts

Mike Dwyer

Mike Dwyer is a former writer and contributor at Ordinary Times.

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10 Responses

  1. greginak says:

    I think the question is more that when the zombie apocalypse happens 1) Do zombies have all the rights of citizens 2) will they be considered a protected class and 3) will they be as bored of zombies as the living are since zombies have been played out for decades except for 28 days later.Report

  2. Mike Schilling says:

    She said it’s the time of the season for zombies. I tried to tell her “No”, but she’s not there.Report

  3. Shazbot9 says:

    its reanimation raises questions about what else might be lurking under the ice

    Here are the answers to what else might be lurking under the ice:

    1. Cthulu
    2. Godzilla
    3. Krakken (Release it!)
    4. The Thing (Kurt Russell version)Report

  4. Barry says:

    Hmmmmmmmmm, perhaps that answers the questions of ‘what were the Denisovians, really?’ and ‘what happened to the Neanderthal?’.

    Zombie cavemen!Report