Linky Friday #45
Linky Friday makes an appearance! On the docket: Energy, hysteria, culture, government, and work.
Linky Friday makes an appearance! On the docket: Energy, hysteria, culture, government, and work.
Having only just renounced any claims to being either a filmmaker or writer, let me now tell you about what’s going on with my writing and filmmaking.
Earlier this evening I removed “filmmaker” and “writer” from my twitter bio, and as I was doing so the events related in this post came to mind.
Is the NFL’s hazing culture legal? If not, would changing that culture be the end of the NFL, as so many are now claiming? Tod Kelly puts on his risk manager hat and looks at the Richie Incognito debacle.
The advice given in that “Marriage Isn’t for You” article going around is terrible. Yes, selfishness isn’t good for marriage, but then neither is self-neglect.
It likely didn’t dominate the national news because there were no victims save for the shooter himself, but a gunman recently opened fire at a large mall just a few minutes from where I...
A man stopped on a routine traffic violation ended up getting an anal probe in search for drugs that weren’t there.
Andrew Sullivan has declared New York a nice place to visit but a terrible place to live. New Dealer disagrees.
Patheos is featuring my book, “Living by Faith, Dwelling in Doubt,” in its book club this month. Guest post! Q&A! Cookies! Please stop by if you’re so inclined.
Burt Likko celebrates the history of a city that seems all too frequently to act as though it had none, on the centennial anniversary of an important, oft-overlooked event. In the beginning was a ditch…
KatherineMW goes out with a bang. She breaks down Babylon Five’s Season One Season Finale: Chrysalis
Ray Charles, Norah Jones, Ringo Starr, Neil Young, Sheryl Crow, Tom Petty, Everlast, Toots Hibbert. This is a partial list only.
Roger imagines a better and more libertarian way to structure license plate giving programs.