This weekend, I am drinking Theraflu. If everything works out JUST RIGHT, I will be gaming on Saturday. However, that’s a long shot… the way to bet is “cough cough cough Cough COUGH *COUGH* hock ptooey”.
But I did have a great week otherwise.
What’s on your docket?
Saturday morning: Shul for Yom Kippur
Saturday night: My 33rd birthday celebration. LeeEsq and I were born 33 years ago today.
Sunday: Probably some work. Ironically considering my stance in the white collar machismo post.Report
Happy birthday to both of you.Report
Domo ArigatoReport
Indeed, happy birthday to both. If I remember my Tolkien, you’re both now out of your tweens.Report
We are also the same age as Christ when he died. A friend living in Italy wished me an Anni de Christo because Christ and I have being uppity Jews in common.
which leads to this infamous Kids in the Hall sketch:
Look, if they ask you if you’re the king of the Jews just say no, and demand to speak to your lawyer. You’ll be ok, I promise.
But if things go badly, I promise to build a sometimes generous sometimes hatefully intolerant religion around your memory.Report
So, when people asked how old you were, did your Mom say “The lawyer’s three, and the lawyer’s three”?Report
Wait, y’all are twins? OK, now the similar “voices” thing makes even more sense. For some reason I thought LeeEsq was older than you.
Happy birthday, guys.Report
I had the same impression; Lee often sounds like the older brother.
Happy Birthday to you both.Report
I’m the older brother. One minute but the older brother.Report
Even less time than I’ve got on my twin. Happy Birthday.Report
Man, I can’t help but wonder what makes me sound like the younger brother. Probably my kultur-kinder esque comments that sound insecure. Damn it…..Report
C-sections will result in that.Report
Yep, but apparently I was delivered by a slower doc or something. I’m the oldest by two minutes.Report
New Dealer, Perhaps its the names; you’re ‘new,’ and obviously some sort of a player (pun intended). He’s ‘esq,’ either an old school lawyer thing or, working with the ‘lee,’ he sort of gives shelter from the wind.
All I know is that 33 is a very good year. I liked it very much. Still remember it, even though it was, cough, choke choke, 20 years ago.Report
I was 33 when my daughter was born, so, yes, a very good year indeed.Report
Happy happy birthday birthday happy happy birthday birthday happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy!Report
Happy birthday guys. @newdealer Any great meals in store?
For myself, we’ll try to get out for a family ride I’d guess. Looking at the forecast, this last little whip of the summer tail is about to end. Back to the monsoons next week. Otherwise, little one and I will be doing dad school for most of the weekend. Get this stuff done before the snow flies.Report
Twenty days, cigarette-free. I don’t think I’ll make 27, but I didn’t think I’d make 20. It’ll be pretty awesome when I lose count.
Clancy started work this week, and is on call on Sunday, so half of my weekend will be spent with the baby. The other half will be clearing out the basement to enable next week’s unpacking. I’ve made some real progress.
Also: laundry.Report
hey Will I started Wednesday on a vap-cig to try to quit smoking. i would be interested in hearing more about how you are doing, coping, not thinking about it and doing fine….etc. So far I have been fine I think my big problem is more psychological like I know I’m getting the same-ish nicotine but it is not as satisfying as going out and having a smoke.Report
Anne, I plan to write a post on it. A quick primer: Give it time. One friend advised me that it took him three weeks to ween off the regular cigs. It took me a couple of months. And I needed the help of buproprion.
Speaking of buproprion, here is the important part: I needed bupe for the first few days, after which it became counter-productive. It interferes with the ecigs, albeit not as much as it interferes with the regular ones. That’s what worked for me.
I have been really aggressive on changing out the cartridges. That has made it more expensive than it otherwise would have been because I haven’t been “using them to the last drop” but right now the eye on the prize of getting through another day. I’ll deal with the rest later.
At first I tried to replicate, to the note, what I was doing with regular cigarettes. I’d force myself to go outside and smoke the ecigs just like I do the regs. This turned out to be a mistake. The ecigs have advantages in that you don’t have to take them outside. I found it helpful to the transition to take advantage of that. Emulating exactly what I was doing with the regs merely highlighted their inadequacy. I actually attribute the fact that I got to day 20 with the fact that I realized, if I smoked a regular cigarette, that meant going outside into the heat and bugs. I do still go outside, and you will have to at work and such, but I would take advantage of the relative lack of limitation.
Lastly, try different flavors. Trying only the tobacco flavor once again puts ecigs at a disadvantage. The different flavors give you something the regulars can’t (by law, these days). I still go for the tobacco-flavored ones more than all others, but the variety is novel.
YMMV on all of this.Report
Just keep at it. I made the transition, and watched several others do it, and there will come a point (I imagine it’s different from everyone) when the e-cigs become natural, and you don’t crave the real cigarette feeling.Report
Will thank you I would love to hear. Just had a big comment eaten by the internet gods but long and short of it is….Yes trying other flavors (former Goth girl LOVE Clove cigarettes) so i get that clove flavor as well as a mint and other tobacco flavors I know, for me, a lot of it is ritualistic behavior. Dating myself but first time I quit having coffee without a cig at Village Inn after Rocky Horror….ImpossibleReport
Dammit, Janet.Report
@will-truman Well done. You’re almost encouraging me to get back on the electric wagon.Report
Maybe…just maybe…I will get to see The World’s End tomorrow…Report
You will like it, and then we can talk about it. (I almost never go to the movies anymore, now the wife and I have seen two in the last few months.)Report
Saw it the other day, and it was awesome.Report
I will celebrate. I just mailed off a very large portfolio that I’ve been working on frantically.
I don’t even care if the company in question accepts any of them, pulling the portfolio together was a clarifying experience, sort of helped me have a vision of the journey I’m on as a designer. So I’m celebrating, because I have a collection.
My sweetie’s enjoying being a prof. of electronic music at Berklee. And once again, the offer’s for doing software development are rolling in. It’s kind of frightening how desperate people are to find folks who can actually code for all the little devices we collect, (and this does not rise to the level of organized, thematic collection). But he’d still rather improvise jazz on the piano.Report
I am making it a five dayer, and making the two day jaunt to take my son to college. Dropping him off at the dorms in my hometown.Report
What school?Report
Cal Poly SLO.Report
You must be a proud pop. Well done.Report
Good school. Congratulations to him and you.Report
Thank you, he is a damn good kid.Report
Boo. I hope you feel better soon!
Oh my goodness, what a weekend. I just finished my first belly dancing class, so I need need to practice throughout the weekend. Tomorrow (Friday the 13th) is actually Zombie Day at work. I may or may not dress up. I guess that depends on whether or not I feel zombie like in the morning. Tomorrow night is dinner and a movie with friends. Saturday afternoon is the company picnic. And Saturday night is an 80s dance cruise on the river. Sunday I’m hoping to rest and recover. I see a lot of vodka in the near future. But not too much, because I’m doing a diet bet :(.Report
Sleeping. Homework. Getting over this cold I gave Jaybird. Gaming, I hope.Report
“Cold” she says.Report
What would you call it, sweetie?Report
Tomorrow afternoon, my choir is having a big workshop with a guest worship leader and guest soloist, and we will lead those songs on Sunday morning. My son is out of school on Monday, and I am taking the day off so we can go to Universal Studios and get some use out of the annual passes.Report
Flying home tomorrow, hoping 2 hours will be enough time to get through the clusterfish that is Heathrow Terminal 5.
It was fun spending a week with the engineers at Daimler, some extremely nice folks here in Stuttgart. And getting really good looks at the coming models is a pretty sweet bonus.Report
Ren Fest. Much overpriced mead will be drunk. After enough cups I won’t feel annoyed about the price as much.Report
A weekend on Theraflu sounds way better than anything I had planned.Report