Daily Archive: July 18, 2013
Trumwill’s Trek: Staid Sangamon
Since these are going on the front page now, I guess I’ll start having to add more than just the picture.
Holy cow, is tomorrow Friday already? Indeed it is. I moved out here my senior year of high school. (I’m not complaining, I’m just saying.) I made a handful of very close friends but,...
How To Give Advice
A guilty pleasure of mine is the reality show “Wife Swap”. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, the basics are as simple as the name implies: two families swipe wives/mothers* for two...
I Went to a Wrestling Match and a Broadway Musical Broke Out
I’m pretty sure that if this sort of celebration happened more frequently, we could get Doc Saunders to become the League’s biggest sports fan. Maybe this is how wrestling finds its way back...