Monthly Archive: April 2013


Without discussing the merits of the entire article, I’d just like to say that this makes my head ache: “When you have a lower-level job, being exceptionally good at it is usually a deterrent...


I’m happy.  I’m happy that Boston’s nightmare appears to be over.  I’m happy that a city I love, a city I lived in for 5 years, the city where I met my wife, the...

What’s What.

An explanation that few will agree with, fewer will like, and fewer still will advocate.[1] First, naturalistic evolution is true. I’m sorry if that disturbs you, but I don’t even consider it controversial. No...

West and Boston

The dead and injured in West, Texas surely count for the same as the dead and injured in Boston, Massachusetts, and indeed are more numerous. Boston seems more emotionally-charged; no one considers other than...

Teach Her Good

So, you run a high school and you think teen pregnancy and the spread of STIs is a serious problem. Well, if you’re Principal George Aulenbacher of George Washington High School in Charleston, West Virginia,...

Of Bubbles and Bias

Twice the Rupert Murdoch-owned has announced that police have identified the primary suspects in Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings.  Twice it has indicated that or pictured these purported “suspects” as persons of Arab descent or persons...

wildlife management

Griner Comes Out

Brittney Griner, star basketball player at Baylor University and #1 overall selection in Monday’s WNBA draft, has come out publicly as gay: “Don’t worry about what other people are going to say, because they’re always...