Pons Asinorum: Resolving Opinions and Bias
ARISTOCRACY, n. Government by the best men. (In this sense the word is obsolete; so is that kind of government.) Fellows that wear downy hats and clean shirts—guilty of education and suspected of bank accounts. -Ambrose Bierce.
In answer to Jason’s thoughtful essay on why politicians lie, I should like to extend his notion of plotting the median voter on another plane of reference and the High Information Party.
Let us posit a plane in two dimensions. Facts in evidence constitute the X axis, Phainomena. The Y axis measures what I shall call the Endoxa Dimension, both terms taken from Aristotle. Jason correctly observes honest people will disagree. On this plane, such disagreements are easily plotted. Happily, we can dispense with a third dimension for now. That third dimension, that of the Zeitgeist will be integrated in due course to form a Euclidean Noosphere.
Here at the League, the best writers attempt to support their theses, but not always from factual bases. And why should they? We write opinion. Maniacs are more interesting than statistics because the maniacs reach simple conclusions, unencumbered by peer review. Preaching from atop a soapbox is an easier venue than defending a thesis in a university conference room.
The High Information Party’s bumper sticker can be reduced to a single word followed by a colon.
Here, Jason, who began so well, goes off the rails. He thinks the High Information Party can win elections via untrue claims. The current political parties collect vast troves of information already. It’s called Opposition Research. But it’s all so much Queen of Hearts thinking: Sentence first, verdict after. A truly High-information Party would construct its arguments in this wise, following simple geometry, that of the Pons Asinorum.
Take an arbitrary and exceedingly complex issue, say taxation or defense policy. Take what facts can be assembled on this issue. Rate those facts using a standard information triage: How fresh is this fact? Has it been confirmed from multiple sources? Is it germane to the issue?
Now start putting points on the Endoxa axis, that of the specialists in that field, hopefully incorporating those of those who collected the facts. Incorporate those who aren’t specialists but those who must act on them and live with the consequences of these facts.
Now ask each specialist to rate the facts. Insofar as everyone agrees each fact is solid, it may be plotted on the Phainomena axis with the value increasing with the number of votes it got.
Once all the available facts are thus rated, the Endox-ists might point to gaps in the facts. Currently, when the politicians don’t want to face facts, they appoint a Blue Ribbon Commission to write up a report so they can ignore it or cherry-pick from among its conclusions. The BlaiseP Black Ribbon Commissions would not issue conclusions but only assemble and rate the facts in evidence.
How would an intelligent, honest politician respond to such facts? He’d appeal to the less-informed voter by framing his rhetoric as a Pons Asinorum: my opinion is also my bias and so is my distinguished opponent’s opinion. A politician would thus be liberated to be honest about his opponents’ position on the facts. He wouldn’t need to be ashamed of his own biases: they were derived from as many facts as were available at the time. Debates would be conducted according to standard rules of forensics, with qualified judges.
It is a national disgrace that political debate cannot be raised to at least the level of high school forensics. Aristotle once said: How many a dispute could have been deflated into a single paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms.
Hmmm… I think you should include a chart.Report
Erm, here’s the legend to the diagram:
A: Fact
D and E: Endoxists
D and E do not share the same opinion but they both have assessed Fact A to be significant.Report
Dude! Where you been?Report
I like your thought here Blaise, but the reality is the maniacs /are/ the politicians (see my sociopath links from earlier OP’s). Not only will they lie, but they’ll cook the books on the assembled “experts” as soon as humanly possible. Then we’ll be in the unfortunate position of listening to different Nobel Prize winning economists completely disagreeing on simple and complex issues. Sort of like now only worse.
I do believe that having actual factual debates following NFL rules (and I was an NFL member waaaay back in HS). I don’t believe in the things called debates that are televised with soap box commentators asking the “questions” at random and all sides ignoring the time limits and other rules. I suspect however that the sociopath politicians are going to simply refuse to show up for a legitimate debate, as it is each side negotiates for months concerning who is going to ask the questions, where the venue is going to be held and so on.Report
Ward, we get the government we deserve. We lie to ourselves therefore we can’t even imagine a political debate waged from the basis of facts and the rules of honest rhetoric. “The truth is out there” is a phrase now associated with a Teevee show about the paranormal.
In like manner the Teevee Experts are contradictions in terms. A contentious issue cannot be explained in a few PowerPoint slides. Some hairsprayed idiot asks two stupid and leading questions of the Subject Matter Expert and steps on what little answer is given. This we are told is Hard-Hitting Reporting.
Would that we were in the Unfortunate Position of listening to different Nobel Prize winning economists completely disagreeing on simple and complex issues! They’d be talking about their viewpoints on the facts, making points and counterpoints so we the non-experts could get a fuller perspective on the significance of the facts.
Sort of like now only worse? Well sure it would be worse — for the simpletons who want Simple Answers to Complex Problems. Any position worth taking will attract controversy. Sorta like you and me, who somehow came to an understanding wherein honest men may disagree on the conclusions but have an abiding respect for the facts. Heaven forbid we might be obliged to stipulate to a few facts now and then.Report
I’d certainly love to see this tried more. I agree there are a lot of problems that will need to be worked out, and perhaps they never will be. Still, I would try it and see how such a system could evolve.Report
Absolutely. We’ve been conditioned to expect Permanent Solutions for ongoing Problems. Our entire society is this way: consider all these idiotic advertisements for medicines and suchlike: got a problem? Take our pill, smear on this salve, buy our motorised scooter and you’ll suddenly be transported to your grandchild’s wedding. Happiness awaits, for a low-low price!
Taxes too high? Are your kids laying around the house with a mountain of college debt and no good jobs on offer? Wars abroad and crime in the streets? Vote for Buckaroo Banzai for Senator and under his wise leadership all these pesky issues shall be solved at once. He’s handsome and rugged and a man of the people. He’s an economist, a quantum physicist, a first-rate musician. He’s got the respect of the military, the peaceniks, too. Little children play with his action figure and the elderly bless his name. Yeah, buddy, elect Senator Banzai, your fridge will be full, your 401(k) too.
Forensics has been evolving since the time of the Greeks, who put much stock in the art of rhetoric. As was said in the Six Million Dollar Man, “we have the technology.” Roberts’ Rules of order, the National Forensic League framework and the structure for thesis defence. Make these grubby little power-seekers submit papers ere we turn them loose on our nation of laws.Report