A Bloggy Puttanesca
(A staple in my house since my single years, a puttanesca is a cheap, low-class pasta dish that clears out little bits of other stuff from the fridge you are trying to get rid...
(A staple in my house since my single years, a puttanesca is a cheap, low-class pasta dish that clears out little bits of other stuff from the fridge you are trying to get rid...
[Image: The Pahi 63 “Gaia”, Flagship of the James Wharram Design fleet] We bought INTEMPERANCE in late 2007 and cruised Florida and the Bahamas in early 2008. Then my wife and daughters, and dog got...
When I learned that the Kochs were suing Cato, I’m sorry to say that one of the first things I felt was vindication. I’d been saying for years that Cato was essentially an independent...
… complete shock or a huge sense of relief. I always assumed we’d read something like this someday, but I didn’t think it would be today – or tomorrow, or even this year. Rush...
I am about 8 years old. My parents are out for the evening, and I am home with my younger sister, and Beverly, a baby-sitter we both like. Beverly introduced my sister and me...
If posthumous baptism is a laudable spiritual practice, then I propose a shortcut. The Mormons could save a little time and just baptize me right away. No, I have absolutely no intention of following...
Headline of the Week: My Year With Guns When he was eight years old Tod Kelly fired his first loaded gun and got a black eye, fired his first empty gun and felt...
Think of this as a brief addition to Tod Kelly’s last piece which reminded me how unbelievably silly the American political scene has become. This whole Sandra Fluke affair – my eyes just glaze over. I can’t...
Nine months ago, Jaybird asked readers and contributors alike to take a stab at predicting the outcome of the then-burgeoning 2012 Presidential Campaign. My answer then stands today. (BTW, a big hat tip to...
Questions of jurisprudence can become quite complicated. When we want to ask whether a particular judge went outside the law in making a decision, (or whether he was right to do so) we need...
It’s approaching a year since I’ve started looking for a means to financial security. This is a project I set out to documenting last July. The first few posts in the series concerned my...
Alan Jacobs, writing at TheAtlantic.com: [O]ne of the illusions most common to writers — an illusion that may make the long slow slog of writing possible, for many people — is that an enormous...
On behalf of the League, we’d like to invite everyone and anyone to subscribe to our weekly update, The Retroactive Table of Contents. Each week the League publishes between thirty and forty political editorials,...
Jason and Russell have some Big Thoughts about the future fate of mankind. And Russell beat me to making a call-out to one of the Biggest Thoughts of them all. So instead, I’ll offer...
The fourth post in a series. In post I, we outlined a 10,000 – okay, 100,000 – foot view of the legal history of intellectual property in law. In post II, we covered some...
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and the likeliest explanation is usually the most straightforward and least complex. So when rumors started surfacing last month that Newt Gingrich’s Super PAC...
I’d be the world’s biggest idiot to comment on this story, but it seemed I had to mention it. I have nothing whatsoever to say, and I won’t be participating in the comment thread....