Looking for Small Comforts in the Suburbs

Mike Dwyer

Mike Dwyer is a former writer and contributor at Ordinary Times.

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6 Responses

  1. Will H. says:

    I understand entirely.
    I have a pretty good little barber shop where I’m at.
    They remember me, though I don’t come in as often as I should.
    And they have a thick gel that lathers up into warm cream as they smear it on your neck. THen out comes the straight razor.Report

  2. Murali says:

    Singapore doesnt really have a suburb. The New town concept means that business and amenities and residential areas are arranged in small clusters. It makes for a system that is fairly accessible by public transport. (It also helps that the public transport system is quite efficient, although there have been a recent spate of breakdowns.

    I get my haircut at the nearby indian barber. His father used to cut my hair when I was younger and my father’s hair when he was younger as well.

    With regards to shaving the back of the neck and side-burns, my barber doesnt use shaving cream, just warm water and a straight razor. And I get the back massage free. (Other people who dont get the massage still pay the same. Customer loyalty has perks)Report

  3. Since I usually get a buzz cut, I’ve found it much more economical to buy my own electric shaver–less than $100, probably even less than $50–and I’ve had it for more than 3 years.  It must’ve saved me at least $200 or so.Report

  4. Chris says:

    Mike —

    I can sympathize with your experience here.  It’s why we started Kennedy’s All-American Barber Club.  While we only have 13 locations at the moment (FL,CT, and MD), we’re aggressively expanding.  Maybe we’ll be near you soon?

    In the mean time, I thought you might appreciate this shaving video for your at-home shaves — how best to do it:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwepcpMTW7g&list=PL09EDF3FAD0AB7B9D&index=1&feature=plcp.  And if you want to watch what we do at Kennedy’s, be sure to watch this video too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNb9esTRtKM&list=PL09EDF3FAD0AB7B9D&index=3&feature=plcp.



  5. Kevin says:

    Your blog spoke to me on a couple of different levels.  One of course was the glass half empty side of me that bemoans the losses of that sense of community in the world around me, much like you. The glass half full side of me is affirmed that I made some good choices in that, after 27 years in the transportation industry I was given the opportunity to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a barber.  I had noodled the idea since the early 70s when I was a young teen getting my curly mane tamed on a semi regular basis by my grandfather’s barber.  After becoming a licensed barber I worked in a couple of shops, but eventually opened up my own shop based upon images I had seen of the barber shops of the 30s and 40s.  I even wear a bowler hat when cutting and play big band in the background.  I don’t necessarily do it for my customers.  I have created an environment where I want to spend time and share space with the finest people in my state.  I wish you lived close by so you could come in and enjoy the banter, the look and feel of the antique chairs, and a classic good looking men’s cut finished with a hot lather neck shave.  Perhaps someday you might be visiting the Northwest part of the country.  If so look up Kevin B Barber’s.  We can crank up the old Victrola, and you can take a vacation by stepping back 75 years in time.

