Monday Blognado: Does Size Matter?
Welcome to the first day of Blognado – an experiment where I try to shake myself out of my blogging drought (admittedly I’ve never been all that prolific, but still I’d like to try...
Welcome to the first day of Blognado – an experiment where I try to shake myself out of my blogging drought (admittedly I’ve never been all that prolific, but still I’d like to try...
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that there is such a thing as progress. Whatever else is being proposed in the name of “security” these days, this certainly isn’t. Let’s keep it that way.
Via Timothy Noah @ TNR, JFK enjoyed not just using them for the sex but for the sexual power game, in this case playing a 19-year-old Social Register type named Mimi Alford. Never even...
I have some still fermenting thoughts and questions about James Poulos recent and apparently inflammatory post What are Women For?, not the least of which is whether or not to post the blind link...
From NSFW (But Then Again, Safety is Overrated): The arrival of digital technology created a “clearing event” much like the social upheaval of the 1960s, and in the wake of that clearing event there...
Over at the Duck of Minerva, Robert E Kelly has a two part blog post discussing the applicability of Jack Snyder’s “Myths of Empire” theory to China.
…but what the flying fish is Sullivan thinking with this quasi-eulogy of Pat Buchanan’s career?
Headline of the Week: Turns Out the South Really Is Bats**t Crazy In separate posts, Mark and Pat reported respectively on a school district in North Carolina forcing McNuggets on children and a law...
Over the past week or so, we seem to have had a rash of misunderstandings, misread intents inferred, misread comments, and just plain misstatements and the unpleasant retractions thus obliged. There’s been a lot of...
A much more comprehensible follow-up column here. The charitable interpretation will be that he took the marbles out of his mouth and made some sensible points about how biology sits in tension with every...
Due to reporting from Madeleine Morgenstern that answers a lot of the concerns I had raised about the North Carolina Lunch Box Story, I have retracted my post on the subject to the extent...
Slate reports: This week, the Virginia state Legislature passed a bill that would require women to have an ultrasound before they may have an abortion. Because the great majority of abortions occur during the...
An interesting piece in the Harvard Business Review about the problems present in the current financial sector and the incentive system created by a financial-market based compensation system. Read the whole thing, it’s quite...
I keep trying to better understand James Poulos. I like James a great deal, though we disagree pretty fundamentally on many things. I’ve been fascinated by his discussions of the Pink Police State (a conservative...
Nick Diaz is a mixed-martial arts fighter. He is arguably one of the top five fighters in the sport. When he isn’t training to fight he runs triathlons. His cardio is considered the best in...
As we got closer and closer there was a lot of ruminating on the best way to turn the hulls. In the end we went old-school. A bunch of old tires Corrigan’s was happy...
Jack Gillis has a poll on religion, which seems appropriate for the current debate, over at his Newsvine blog. Check it out if you have a minute.
If I had thought about it, I would have written the following back on Opposite Day: In Roe v Wade, the right of privacy – and that of a woman over her own body...
So, some good news on the commenting front at Forbes. Today marks the first day that the site will allow social logins. That means if you’d like to comment on any Forbes blog including...
Please be aware of an important update to my post yesterday on the Carolina Lunch Box story. I have placed the update at the end of that post.