Monthly Archive: February 2012

Laying Down on the Job

When finished, the forward section of each hull on Mon Tiki will be a small stateroom with a private entrance, a single bunk, a small dresser/vanity, and additional storage under the bunk. Modest accommodations...

Friday Blognado: The downward spiral

Today marks the end of blognado proper.  While I do hope to put up a post on Saturday and Sunday, they will be much shorter than my customary door-stopper length as I will be otherwise engaged for...

Thursday Blognado: Wargaming

My Thursday Blognado post is a guest post at Mindless Diversions wherein I explain why I abandoned miniature wargames produced by Games Workshop, and why Warmachine is my favourite wargame.

Something other than all abortion all the time.

James Hanley comments that Christians have become (relatively) comfortable with teen birth (and I think he is right), it’s another classic case of Christians adapting their religion to their culture, rather than having any...

The Lessons of 1984

The primary lesson of George Orwell’s 1984 is that [my political opponents] are truly totalitarian in intent. The entire culture of [my political opponents] revolves around doublethink, such as [insert reference to something that...

A Quick Observation

We’ve had two really interesting comment threads today on abortion-related posts written by Will Truman and myself. I remarked, as did commenter Chris, that both have been remarkably civil. Both posts were lengthy and...

Another from Edmond Rostand

Rostand’s second poem from Les Musardises, entitled “The Bedroom.” For my English translation I chose rhymed couplets, though I admit with BlaiseP that there’s a procrustean quality to some of them. Incidentally, the author...

Follow The League on Twitter or Facebook

I’ve set up a Twitter account that should tweet out every post across the League as they’re published, including all sub-blogs. You can follow it here. Same goes for our Facebook page which you...

The Abortion Post I Didn’t Plan to Write

Sometimes the inertia of public discourse is simply too hard to resist… Ross Douthat asks, “What Reduces Abortion Rates?” Specifically, Douthat is tackling the claim that better access to contraception and legal abortion reduces abortion...

A Better Way To Do Campaign Finance Reform

~by Dan Miller Elias wrote a great post about campaign finance reform, and I think it raised some important issues.  But I think this discussion–like most discussions of campaign finance–missed a key point.  Many people believe...

Pseudonymity And Social Networking

Pseudonymous blogging strikes the right balance, for me, between the ability to project a clear and consistent identity to those interested in exchanging ideas, and buffering my sometimes unpopular ideas from meatworld decisionmakers, some...

These Things I Assume To Be True

An old blog post, resurrected and edited slightly for today. Household work is not the sole responsibility of either the male or female partner in a relationship.  Any gender linkage to job roles should...

Tuesday Blognado: The taxing question of … tax

Day 2 of Blognado is upon us (or upon me anyway, I’m never sure where your day boundaries are relative to mine), so to keep people interested I thought I’d discuss something light and easily relocatable like the intricacies of...

Parenting by Class

Lauara McKenna is probably my favorite blogger. I sort of love her. She blogs at Apt 11D about all sorts of things but mostly about her life as a transplanted New Yorker, former academic,...