Daily Archive: January 6, 2012

Europe is better than the US

Well, it is the NYT, so I can’t vouch for it: But G.D.P. per capita (an insufficient indicator, but one most economists use) in the U.S. is nearly 50 percent higher than it is...

The Final Revival of Opal and Nev

Leaguefest 2012 — Not To Be A Pest

I once received an invitation to a social event that concluded with the line “RSVP, please, by [x date]” and no apparent irony. Now that I’m in the position of soliciting responses to arrange...

A paragraph for Ron Graff

(This will take more than a paragraph.) Ron Graff was noticeably shorter than me, which puts him on the short side for a man. When I was in his drawing classes, he had a...