Links and site errors
Let me know if you’re having any problems with the site. I’ve got some stuff I’m working on – Big Things! – and in the process we may encounter some issues. For instance, our permalink structure has been changed and a /blog has been appended to everything. Some of the “read more” links don’t work, and links from elsewhere – as well as links within the site to pages within the site itself – may not work. With a “read more” tag, you can always click the link instead. If an author has linked to an old post using the old permalink structure, there’s not much that can be done at the moment (except to copy the link and add a /blog/ after manually). Bear with us.We are working on it. Leave a note here if you have questions, concerns, complaints, etc.
You get a 404 when you try to read comments to posts down below.Report
If I were superstitious, I might be inclined to say it’s “the curse of the ‘Positive Liberty’ crowd.”Report
Here’s a quick error report — two of my comments on the epic counter-Volokh thread are not threaded to the comments I’d intended to respond to. They’re just tacked on the end, where neither of them makes much sense. I’m not sure what might have caused it.
On a completely unrelated note, I wish everyone would get Gravatars. Too many of the random ones look like swastikas to me.Report