Daily Archive: April 19, 2010

“A Weekly for Everybody”

“Are American women holding aviation back?” asks Amelia Earhart. This and much more can be found in Liberty Magazine (circa 1937)- now online.

Henry Adams’ Washington

Via Ross, Adam Irish argues for a vibrant and messy Washington DC. If only he had seen it in Henry Adams’ time: The want of barriers, of pavements, of forms; the looseness, the laziness;...

Addressing Goldman’s defenders…

Writing at RealClearMarkets, John Tamny attempts to defend Goldman Sachs against the SEC’s allegations.  His defense, aside from the SEC bashing (some of it deserved), seems to hinge on a simplistic Trading 101 description...

After Starve the Beast

Conventional wisdom says that cutting taxes to restrain spending doesn’t work. Raising taxes has political problems of its own. Why not just cut spending? We’re probably going to have to do it sooner or...

Plato’s Republic (2): Women & Men

Plato’s ideal state is not a patriarchy. In a number of ways, it actively promotes a radical sort of equality between the sexes, in spite of Socrates’s insistence that the accomplishments of women will...