Daily Archive: April 16, 2010

Science Fiction Friday

io9 lists the best science fiction novels for fantasy fans. I’m not familiar with any of these selections, but I’ll go ahead and recommend Jack Vance’s Tales of the Dying Earth, Gene Wolfe’s Book...

Bigotry Comes Out of the Closet

In some ways, I was happy to read this little piece of anti-gay bigotry on the American Family Association’s website regarding a hypothetical appointment of an openly gay Supreme Court justice.  At least it’s...

Crowdsourcing My Gravatar

You all know me pretty well by now. What should my Gravatar be? My favorite so far might be misunderstood as too confrontational.

A Pertinent Question

“[W]hich has been more of a problem: anti-government violence, or government violence?”  Via IOZ. [DISCLAIMER: This post not to be read as an endorsement of anti-government violence, just as a question about priorities.]

Strange Things Allegedly Believed by Others

“I see it’s ‘Dump on Libertarians Week’ again at Crooked Timber,” said the Stoic. “Indeed,” said the Cynic. “It appears to be a regular feature there.” “What is it this time?” asked the Stoic....