Daily Archive: March 24, 2010

New institutions.

Chris Hayes and Reihan Salam had a Bloggingheads discussion the other day about their latest articles in Time. Both wrote short essays about an “important trend”: Hayes diagnoses a collapse of authority in our...

I Need a Good Story

So I had a cut on the side of my nose the other day that has scarred over in a way I didn’t expect, making it look nastier than it really was.  I need...

‘A braintrust of Other Ways’

“In short, the democratic faith is this: that the most terribly important things must be left to ordinary men themselves — the mating of the sexes, the rearing of the young, the laws of...

The First Rule of Rice Cooker

The first rule of rice cooker is that you do not talk about rice cooker. The rice cooker probably knows more about your emotional state of being in the kitchen than anything or anyone...

For Non-Blonds

I’ve learned one thing from listening to Phillip Blond’s recent talk at Georgetown: I’m no Red Tory. My turning point came about halfway through the lecture. Blond had thrown out a few zingers here...

perspective in illustration

The Sarah Palin Effect

Personally, I’m a Palin agnostic, but this line in an article in the recent Catholic Register cracked me up: “(T)he American-born professor also warns that a close association between conservative, reactionary politics and religion...

Sophocles “Oedipus Rex”

Oedipus Rex is an extraordinarily cruel play. Oedipus has seemingly done nothing wrong and lacks the fatal flaw that would justify the way that coincidences and events align against him. The punishment is completely...

The Polls and the Polis

In a really crackerjack post, Mr. Dierkes, writes: “The hallmark of the liberal procedural republic according to Sandel is that citizens are treated as consumers. The market becomes the dominant form of thought and...